The Quick Start Guide Step 4.7 says that the Best connection is to plug the 
microphone directly into the Delta 44 break-out--box (shorter wires and less 
  First Rub: Flexradios' cord comes with an 8 pin connector for the microphone 
connector on the SDR and a 4 pin for the HM-5. If you want to use the 'Best' 
connection, don't buy the cord. Order a 4-pin connector from Heil and use your 
own mic cord and 1/4 inch plug. Heil is the only source for the 4 pin, It's 
  "Heil XLP 4 Female"
  Second Rub: The Best connection has no push to talk button connection for the 
HM_5. I click the MOX button twice, leave the mouse pointer over the MOX button 
and then use the keyboard's space-bar as a push to talk.
  Jerry, KD6ET 40M  
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