
Need some 2 output DVI-D Video Card advice here.

I just upgraded to Power SDR v2.0.16 with my Flex5K.
The Flex5K runs just fine, however I now notice a problem with slow or missed 
video updates with PowerSDR mostly in my second monitor.
The new PowerSDR v2.0.16 has much more complex console video for the buttons, 
borders, etc.

Dell Vostro 400 w/2 GB RAM
Video Card:  ATI Radeon HD 2600 XP  , PCIe x 16 slot, (with 2 DVI-D outputs)
2 monitors used, both DELL 22" LCD.

The PowerSDR console video (buttons, borders, graphics) for Power SDR is 
updating about twice as fast in monitor 1(Primary), than in monitor 2, when the 
PowerSDR window is enlarged or front panel back-lit options are changed.

The slow or missed PowerSDR console video updates are really noticeable when 
either the "Fill Panadapter" either/or "Second Receiver" options are activated 
adding to the video to now be displayed.
In all cases, the Panadapter spectrum sweeps are fine, just the console video 
updates such as the back-lights on buttons, and cpu meter, etc. are slow or 

Console Button Active lights or the CPU usage meter for example, take a long 
time to update or never update.
When I change from say 40 m to 80 m, the band button lights do not change to 80 
m (40 m stays lit), even though the radio did go to 80 m. I can stop, then 
start, PowerSDR and the 80m band button light will now be on.
This is clearly a slow video issue in my PC driving 2 monitors.

Is there a better video card choice for faster video updates to BOTH monitors?  
Currently have the Radeon HD 2600 XP, in a PCIe x 16 graphics slot with correct 
Typical PC cpu usage sits at 30%.

Any recommendations for a new video card would be appreciated as I would like 
the PowerSDR console video to be quick in both monitors and update fast under 
all operating conditions.
I do require 2 DVI-D video outputs.
Or, is this a video card issue at all??


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