Hey guys,

I resubmitted  my review to Eham.net with a few minor changes. This radio "IS" 
and "DOES" deserve "world class" status. I am serious when I say that there is 
a "New Sherriff in Town" and people are going to have to get used to the fact 
that the Flex 5K will now be at the top of Rob Sherwoods' receiver data list.   

I am having a very hard time getting away from playing with this radio as it is 
more fun than I can describe. Being in QSO and describing to the other party 
what the 20M landscape looks like in real time as we chat  is a very impressing 
feature to people. Kind of like looking down from the heavens with magical 
powers :)  The interest in this radio is snowballing fast. It is a pleasure to 
get on the air with say, W5GI, or Alan K2WS and have people break in with 
questions on the 5K. 

PS. Is stock available?  :) :)


73 de
Paul Zora
Port Saint Lucie, FL

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