>Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 16:47:50 -0500
>To: Robert Dennison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Jim Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Fw: RE: [dxlab] Decoding CW via soundcard
>At 01:08 PM 1/19/2008 -0800, you wrote:
>>Hi all,
>><Origninal header information removed for clarity>
>>I hope you pass on this.  MCW (CW by audio tone on a phone
>>transmitter) is illegal for US stations on HF.
>>    ... Joe, W4TV"
>Hi Joe,
>No offense, but I believe you are mistaking the definition of MCW ... eg a 
>CW signal that consists of a steady carrier with a keyed audio tone (eg 
>keyed audio modulation) ... definitely MCW and illegal.  This would be the 
>equivalent to keying an audio tone into either an FM or AM transmitter.
>However, a SSB transmitter has no steady carrier ... by definition .... 
>and a keyed audio tone would appear as a CW signal indistinguishable  from 
>one created by keying an RF generated signal.
>If you compare 2 signals on the air and they are indistinguishable, how 
>can you say one is legal and the other is illegal.  In fact there are 
>commercial amateur radios that create CW by keying audio into a SSB chain 
>that are certainly FCC approved ... e.g. Collins S Line.
>Jim, VE3CI

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