Hi, All, I sent this to the linux-dttsp list and then realized that not 
everyone who was present for the EXCELLENT TeamSpeak last night is 
necessarily subscribed to the linux-dttsp list.

I apologize for the redundancy for those who are subscribed to both lists.

For those who asked me about [1] Linux SDR-1000 hardware control and 
[2] BeBob [FreeBob] on the TeamSpeak session last night [great session, 
guys...Thanks!] I note the following:

1.  My dttsp webpage has information on using HamLib to control the
SDR-1000.  I am listening to the SDR-1000 as I type this, using HamLib
to set the frequency and Preamp and attenuator levels.  It works fine
and the steps to using it are detailed at:
http://www.nitehawk.com/w3sz/dttspw3sz.htm , item 16.  Exact URL is:

I have not tried to control transmit yet with HamLib.  I haven't played
with Frank and Bob's code since Thanksgiving.  At that time it was not
functioning properly for me, and I never heard about any subsequent
updates.  So I have stayed with HamLib as it works nicely with no need
for 'fiddling'.

2.  Last October I got my Firebox working under Linux with the SDR-1000
and SDR-Shell, gbeppe, etc by using BeBob variant FreeBob.  This was
not a simple task due to the fact that Ubuntu uses its own versions of
many Linux Packages, and these versions did not satisfy the
dependencies of other packages needed to run FreeBob.  As of last
October there were inkings of a version of jack that would contain
FreeBob capability out of the box.  I haven't looked into this here
since I have been busy with work, and don't know what if anything has
transpired in this regard.  So my somewhat arduous 'formula' may be
very much out of date at this point.  But it worked for me, and I am
listening to the SDR-1000 using SDR-Shell via the Firebox as I type
this.  My info is again on my webpage at:

http://www.nitehawk.com/w3sz/dttspw3sz.htm , item 15.  Exact URL is:

Hope that helps!


Roger Rehr

Roger Rehr

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