I am sorry.

I have publicly made unfounded accusations against Flex Radio.

I now know that I was wrong. Flex Radio has an amazing algorithm
"Wide Band Image Rejection" that finds the appropriate complex
coefficients for image cancellation very fast. 

When testing the filters in SDR softwares I misinterpreted
an anomality in PowerSDR beta software. 

I could have reported the finding as a problem without making
any statement at all about why the phenomenon exists. At the
time I actually did not know. Particularly I should not have 
made any accusations for bad behaviour of any kind.

It would have been more appropriate to report privately to Flex
Radio that I have found an issue and ask how they would explain 
it. For details, look here:

I am sorry I was not clever enough to understand that a notch 
could be created by a stability problem.


Leif  /  SM5BSZ

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