Re: [Flexradio] New monitors, now I cannot find the window for CW SKimmer Callsign list

2013-05-27 Thread Tony Estep
Mark, my computer-scientist son points out that this can probably be remedied by simply pressing Win-Arrow, where Win refers to the Windows key (lower left, between Fn and Alt) and Arrow refers to the right or left arrow key. Tony KT0NY On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Mark Lunday wrote: > I

Re: [Flexradio] New monitors, now I cannot find the window for CW SKimmer Callsign list

2013-05-27 Thread Tony Estep
On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Mark Lunday wrote: > the window is not showing on either monitor > > = Mark, this has happened to me with VE7CC. It doesn't correctly save window location info when you have multiple monitors. Try this: turn off computer, unplug one monitor, boot

[Flexradio] New monitors, now I cannot find the window for CW SKimmer Callsign list

2013-05-26 Thread Mark Lunday
I feel silly asking this, but the window is not showing on either monitor. I tried stop/restart the program, but I cannot locate the CALLSIGN window. Any suggestions? Thanks Mark Lunday, WD4ELG Greensboro, NC FM06be ___