Since I work 6 meter weak signal, I thought I would report on how the SDR5000 
does on 6 meters.

I have used an SDR1000 on 6 meters for about a year, so I can compare the two 
radios. To work weak signal stuff on 6 meters, you need a receiver preamp and 
an RF amplifier to get from .5 watts to 100 watts so you can drive another amp 
to 1K+. This is only one-half the story. You also need external coaxial relays 
an sequencing! It is quite a mess.

Enter the SDR5000. No more rats nest. You do need a receiver preamp to work the 
really really  weak signals. This is easy with the SDR5000 since it has a RX 
Loop to connect a receiver preamp. The 100+ watt transmitter output completes 
the package. All of the other functions are the same (great noise blankers and 
filters) since the software is essentially the same.

The only down side I have found is the transmitter power output can very from 
start-up of the program. I can work around this but I need to be careful when 
driving an amplifier. I have seen this issue on two different 5000's on two 
different computers.

It goes without saying that you need a very good antenna system. I work into 
the Midwest daily on SSB and CW from southwest Florida. (1000 miles path) The 
band is NOT open, i.e.  no sporadic E

Great radio, and no knobs, it is a Real Radio!

73, Dave, W9DR

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