Thanks to Bob, Ken, Al, and Bill for the words of wisdom in setting up the
new computer.  Wiped all SDR stuff from the hard drive:  Downloaded .Net 1
and 2 and the Service packs for each:  Downloaded asio and ran:  Set up
the SDR-1000 SVN and ran it.  Worked.  Then set up the HPSDR version and
with 1.6.3, all is well.  Found that if intozy.bat is called, twice, an
error message comes up in the  middle of the string of instructions, so
shut the computer down between each setup.  Typically a case here of
starting clean.  Will tackle the new version when stable!

FWIW:  With the 3.2G PentiumD, 2G of 800MHz DDR memory,  a motherboard to
match, and a cheap PCI express video card:   processor utilization is
9-12% when listening to AM BC in SAM mode: jumps to as much as 33% with
mouse commands.

Now if I knew why I have an ! mark on the SVN for HPSDR and not the standard?

Thanks for all of the help.  I converted my first command sets in 1954 and
it would be pretty obvious where I messed up there and since.  Not quite
so obvious here.


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