If you are one of those poor souls who gets "Invalid Putty Port" when attempting to use TortoiseSVN (which has made my productivity level from my office just about zero) the fix is beyond simple. I finally whined in enough places that the correct answer was retrieved (in my opinion A BUG that needs fixing).

You may review the whining that got me the answer:



Right click, TortoiseSVN, setting, network and REMOVE the entire contents of the line that sets putty as the ssh. When you do this, TortoisePlink will run instead of using the putty interface and all will be well. We have become very paranoid here as only SSH gets in and out and only if all of the permissions are set on the remote end to protect the keys, etc.

Sigh of relief,

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(This sig required by my employer)

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