Hi all, I've recently read this article regarding audio transformers and looking for some techo advise please.
Here's the link to the article http://www.cliftonlaboratories.com/softrock_lite_6_2.htm I've bought 4 of the Bourns type transformers (20 bucks each,,bugger) that are mentioned in this article about half way down the page. The help i'm looking for is regarding the terminating resistors that match up to the impedance of the sound card as described by the author.The author suggests values for the EMU at 96khz bandwidth however I'm using the Edirol sound card and wonder if anyone can suggest a terminating resitor for the Edriol at 192khz ??? Would i also need to terminate the secondary winding of the audio transformer that is the input to the SDR1000 ??? Could someone please read the article and give me some advise, kind regards Paul _______________________________________________ FlexRadio Systems Mailing List FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz http://mail.flex-radio.biz/mailman/listinfo/flexradio_flex-radio.biz Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/ Knowledge Base: http://kc.flex-radio.com/ Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com/