Hello AROs,


I have received a lot of requests for more info on the linear supply and how to 
go about 

installing it.  Sorry for the delay.  My work load goes up exponentially once 

rolls around.


The part number of my +/- 15V  90ma supply is LZD-22 and it is from Lamda.  

Its actual size is 3.375" x 2.375" x 1.25".  I bought two of them on EBay for 

I have done some research to find something smaller but have not had any luck.  

guess linear supplies just aren't sexy enough. :-( 


My SDR1000 is the 1 watt version and I have installed a linear 12V supply for 

radio, this +/-15V supply, an OCXO and a custom board that has peak detectors 

measuring fwd/rev power of my linear all inside the cabinet.  I'm running out 

room!   If you find a really small supply let me know.   Those with internal 

amps/tuners might consider wall warts.


The DC/DC converter is located on the bottom most board of the stack.  It looks 

a tall 14 pin DIP device, but actually only uses 7 pins along one side of the 


I removed the boards one at a time from the top, but I think an easier way is 
to remove 

the screws from the bottom and back of the cabinet and pull the entire stack.  

working from the bottom of the stack, remove the heat spreader (an aluminum 

and then the bottom board.


I unsoldered DC1 and put a header in its place.  Caution!  There is not much 
room between

the board and the heat spreader when assembled.  Before you solder your 

make sure it will fit back together.  I would suggest using a wire wrap socket 
with its leads 

bent 90 degrees.  Of course you could solder wires directly the PCB.  I only 
ran wires for

+15V (pin 6), -15V (pin 4) and common (pin 5), but wish I had brought them all 
out.  Then 

I could plug the original device back in for comparison. 


When I get a chance I'll post some pictures.


I recommend you take a look at the schematic and board views to make sure I 

lead you down the wrong path.  Works for me, your mileage may vary.  If you 
screw it up,

just suck it up, fix the mistake and move on. 





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