Hi Guys! I found here
http://cg.cs.uni-bonn.de/docs/publications/2004/wahl-2004-scalable.pdf a lot
of information about LOD Here is a citation:

Repairing Cracks

In case the LOD of two neighboring tiles differ, it is not sufficient to
simply render the geometry. Even though the geometric errors between the
tiles would fall below the pixel projection threshold, small cracks may
become visible due to discretization in the rasterizer stage. But since the
cracks are under screen space error control, there is no need to avoid them,
they only need to be filled with the correct color. This is achieved by
attaching a triangle strip along the border that reaches down the equivalent
of one pixel. In this way, the holes are shaded consistently with the

What do you think about this? When I created aerial perspective scattering
for flightgear I found that you have to visualize huge amount of data and 16
km range ( defalut for flightgear) give me huge errors in lightning

if we have clean air ( no haze)  we have to get 65 km or more visual range.
in this situation LODs helps us a lot. And I propose to use normal maps
(like in clouds) to give details for flat distant terrain.

What do you think about it?

Thanx in advance


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