Just to head off any bug reports, THERE IS NOT A BUG IN THE ATTITUDE
INDICATOR FOR THE 172.  The Cessna 172 is not an aerobatic plane and
(except possibly for the very newest models) does not have an attitude
indicator that's tolerant of extreme attitudes.  If you start doing
>60 degree banks, loops, etc. the C172 attitude indicator *will*
tumble severly, and can take up to 5 minutes to re-erect itself; even
a 45-degree bank might cause a slight tumble.  I'll add properties to
do the same for other non-aerobatic and non-combat planes later.

This is especially nasty when you end up in an unusual attitude in IMC
(say, using the Position/Random Attitude) menu entry.  Just at the
moment you need the AI most, it tumbles and is no longer reliable --
you have to recover using the turn coordinator and the airspeed
indicator (good luck).

This, I think, is part of what kills so many pilots in VFR-into-IMC
accidents -- they get into a spiral or spin before they realize the
plane's out of control, the AI tumbles, and the rest is an NTSB
report.  Our tumble isn't all that realistic, but it should still be
useful for training.

If you really, really don't want this behaviour, you can disable it by
setting the


property to false in your $HOME/.fgfsrc.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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