I just commited some fixes to the NMEA output to make it more usable.

This allows FlightGear to to pretend it is a gps and send fake gps
sentences out the serial port.  You can then feed the other end of the
serial cable into something running some real moving map/gps software
and that software thinks it is talking to a real gps located at your
current virtual flightgear position.

My fixed include:

1. I switched to the correct line terminators (\r\n)
2. I fixed a variety of careless formating errors.
3. I added a faked GSA sentence along with faked HDOP and VDOP and

>From the FlightGear end, you can activate the nmea output using the
following flightgear command line option:

   --nmea=serial,out,1,/dev/ttyS0,4800  (for the unix folks)
   --nmea=serial,out,1,COM1,4800        (for the dos folks)

Substitude with the actual serial port you are plugged into of course.

Just for fun I downloaded FlightMaster which is a palm pilot
application intended for real pilots.  With my palm pilot in it's
cradle and connected to the appropriate serial port it was able to
receive the gps strings from flightgear and was properly tricked into
thinking it was talking to a real gps.

This isn't quite as good as connecting up a real Garmin 196 or 430,
but if you already have a palm pilot or other pda, it's a lot
cheaper. :-)

FlightMaster is shareware ($40) so if you use it, definitely send them
their $$$, they were very helpful in helping me track down my problems
in the NMEA output code.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at' me.umn.edu             curt 'at' flightgear.org
Minnesota      http://www.flightgear.org/~curt  http://www.flightgear.org

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