Oliver Schroeder wrote:
> 2) A "visibility" range (Vivian called it "Radar Echoing Area"),
> provided by aircraft model data. That way a eg.  747 can show up on
> radar earlier than a cessna, making radar more real.
> 3) A radio transmission range, i.e. the range a client is able to reach
> via radio when sending (voice) messages
> 4) A radio receive range, i.e. the range a client is able to receive
> messages from. This may also be aircraft specific, not sure about that.
> 5) the frequency a client is listening to (erm, there are two listening
> frequencies, right?)
> 6) the sending frequency of a client

While it sounds tempting, I'd strongly suggest *not* baking
details of the radio model into the protocol.  Eventually this is
going to change in incompatible ways.  I'd suggest simply
allowing a set of "MP configuration properties" or whatnot, and
leaving the implementation to more flexible code.  Putting stuff
like this into the protocol means that you're going to be
making (incompatible!) changes very often as the implementation

As far as radio goes, I'd suggest using strings for the
frequencies -- think of TACAN receivers, which have
named "channels", or an administration/chat channel, etc...

> > Anyway, this protocol is very error prone since it neither cares for
> > alignment nor for endianess. I don't know of it still works for
> > x86_64, don't talk about the sgi's in Erik's zoo ...
> What about converting the data to network byte order before sending, and
> converting it back to host order when receiving? (using ntohl(3) and
> htonl(3) on the buffer).

Yes, this is not optional.  All I/O should be cooked for byte
order.  You can use the socket.h macros if you like, or do it
yourself, but you should never, ever rely on the fact that
writing a struct out of or into memory seems to work.


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