just adapted the subject to have the right people look into
this thread ;-)

Harald Johnsen wrote:
We are talking of an FMC but of course
I wanted to redo at least the ehsi display (for the eye candy).

Erik mentioned some time ago that it isn't yet really possible to
do simple animations using Nasal in FlightGear, at least that's
what Andy indicated when he was asked about that, I think.

I remember but I had the impression that they were afraid for the performance.

Don't know about that, actually I thought it would be too complicated to get Nasal doing dynamic animations. Will have to check the threads, though ...

But even if can extend those fonctionalities
there will always be some cases that can't be handled.
Lets call them owner draw gauges. How to draw them ?

Boris says: PLUGINS *or* scriptable dynamic extensions :-)

> With pure opengl code in C.
This is the first bottleneck.
> It seems stupid the have to build Flightgear to
use a new gauge when someone release a new panel or new plane.

I wholeheartedly agree !

> [...]
Now how do we draw in this texture ?
In Nasal of course, with the appropriate graphic library.
> Not a pseudo opengl library because there is
> no more than perhaps 10 api to implement :
draw a line, draw text, draw a texture, etc. I am prety sure we can pair
this  api to the existing draw code.

I like the approach, actually the scripting language that Manual mentioned in this thread (lua) does also have openGL bindings, if I remember correctly it was called "luaGL" or something like that, so one might look into it, to see what could be useful for a NasalGL implementation as well.

Having some basic scriptable openGL mechanism one could really
start to create EASILY more advanced instruments - without the
need to add a lot of stuff to FlightGear itself.

And it would certainly benefit other FlightGear based ideas as well,
Erik mentioned that he wanted to implement a weather radar, which
would certainly also be a lot easier if it could be done using
scriptable openGL dialect.

But on the other hand, don't know how well such an approach would
fit to the current way Nasal is being used/called in FlightGear.


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