I forgot to tell you that you have to change the directories for PLIB
and OPENAL in the Makefile (line 26 and 27)...

Regards, Holger

----- Forwarded message from Holger Wirtz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:12:08 +0100
From: Holger Wirtz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Flightgear Developers List <flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: FGCOM version 2.0pre


I am just amazed how nice bad sound can be if you try to use it in a
radio environment :-) Every VoIP'er thinks I am braindead because I try
to make VoIP streams sounding worse and not better...

Csaba ported the openal code to iaxclient2 and Tat enhanced the Makefile
so FGCOM builds on MacOSX. I added software DSP support (noise
generator, filters (high, band, low, ... - but the algorithms are not
highly optimized) and a simple squelch simulation (which has some small bugs).
Currently all parameters for sound de-optimization are hard coded.

All together it sounds really bad :-> . Try it, but don't blame on me if you
have trouble to get it working - it's a _pre_ release!

        svn checkout svn://svn.dfn.de:/fgcom/branches/iaxc2-lofi fgcom-lofi

There is much to do and I hope there are some hackers around who likes
to take part in the next steps of development:

- fixing the squelch code. The noise gate is poorly implemented...
- installing an interface for the dsp functions in the library code.
  This is really not difficult but takes some time to organize...
- enhancing the algorithms of the dsp stack (avoiding multiple loops for
  a block of samples). The dsp stack should be flexible configurated from
  the fgcom application/config file so that the sound can be flexible changed
  to simulate different kinds of radios.
- due to more and more parameters: using of a configuration file
  would be great - perhaps one in XML which uses code from FG to parse
  the XML data?
- mixing background noise from the plane machines (perhaps pending on
  the state/level of the machine) into the outgoing stream

And also on the queue:
- intercom (I have a very simple solution for that - but no time to
  write code for)
- a better conference application based on distances of the objects and the
  power of the radios

Anyone who likes to help :-) ?????

Have a nice weekend!

Regards, Holger
#####  #### ##  ##   Holger Wirtz         Phone : (+49 30) 884299-40
##  ## ##   ### ##   DFN-Verein           Fax   : (+49 30) 884299-70
##  ## #### ######   Stresemannstr. 78    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
##  ## ##   ## ###   10963 Berlin
#####  ##   ##  ##   GERMANY              WWW   : http://www.dfn.de
GPG-Fingerprint: ABFA 1F51 DD8D 503C 85DC  0C51 E961 79E2 6685 9BCF

----- End forwarded message -----

#####  #### ##  ##   Holger Wirtz         Phone : (+49 30) 884299-40
##  ## ##   ### ##   DFN-Verein           Fax   : (+49 30) 884299-70
##  ## #### ######   Stresemannstr. 78    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
##  ## ##   ## ###   10963 Berlin
#####  ##   ##  ##   GERMANY              WWW   : http://www.dfn.de
GPG-Fingerprint: ABFA 1F51 DD8D 503C 85DC  0C51 E961 79E2 6685 9BCF

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