    During the making of the movie sometimes time is short, others maybe 
helping me with the movie shots when they operate other vehicles such as 
helicopters or planes, you may have noticed that sometime's when I switch from 
the jeep to the mibs tool (video capture tool) that the vehicle I arrived in 
has gone, this is a problem when I dont want to keep other's waiting around for 
me and with drift (Vehicles Sliding about) this can increase the rush to get it 
done. With the help of Anders he made a template AI script which I now use to 
place AI vehicles where I want them, but this is manual and requires quite a 
lot of time editing. I need a much faster solution if anyone can help?

Ideally I need a special save state button that instead of it saving the whole 
aircraft or vehicle state, it saves an AI object directly into the AI folder, 
so that when I exit FG I can enable it and then switch to mibs or another 
vehicle and their is an AI vehicle in the original location that I was using 
before of the same type! This makes transitioning during filming much faster 
and more realistic as well.

Most of this week I have been re-writing some elements of Chapter 3 of the 
script, I have not yet started filming part 3 so the tool will be a great help! 
(If it is code that has to be added to any vehicle in advance this will be fine)

Any help would be very much appreciated thanks.


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