On 07/16/2007 01:10 PM, Stuart Buchanan made a number of excellent points:

> A far better approach is to look at how we can make our processes
> more efficient so that the management (of which you are the CEO)  can
> make better use of their time. I think what is required is more
> delegation.
> Martin Spott mentioned on the list problems with getting the web-site
> updated promptly, presumably because you are the sole maintainer of
> the site, and have too much on your plate. I don't feel that the
> web-site is something that has to be maintained by the CEO - it could
> easily be delegated.
> Similarly, John Denker recently commented on the huge proportion of
> checkins made by Melchior Franz. Melchior does a quite incredible job
> ensure that the data tree in particular is kept in good order, and
> committing huge numbers of contributions. However, I'm sure his life
> would be much easier if more aircraft maintainers have commit
> permissions. The ocassional bug might fall through, but most
> maintainers have enough pride in their work to fix bugs, and Melchior
> would still have commit permissions...
> The Manual is a prime example of where delegation has worked
> extremely well. Martin and I both have commit permissions and have
> made significant changes without any need to bother anyone.
> Therefore, I think it would be a good idea for you to look at what
> can be delegated from your workload onto other people and suggest
> appropriate roles to the list.
> Of course, good delegation is one of the signs of good management :)

I was going to write something similar, but Stuart beat me to it, 
and did a better job than I would have.

Let me add a couple of minor points:

1) I changed the subject line.  "Chaos" means different things to
different people, but in any case it is too strong a word.
 -- There are always "issues".
 -- There is always room for improvement.
 -- Right now the development process is not broken, and is
  nowhere near chaos, but everyone agrees there is room for
 -- The recent trend has been in the wrong direction, which
  makes it especially timely to examine the issues.

2) As a specific constructive suggestion, it seems to me that
upgrading from CVS to git would make things go smoother.  This
project outgrew CVS a long time ago.  Git is available for 
unix and for windows.  A lot of the people involved already
know how to use git.

3) Among the eleventeen reasons for using git is that it allows
fine-grain delegation.  For each model aircraft, the principal
developer could be delegated control of that aircraft (without
affecting the control of anything else).

4) Code review is an area that needs attention.  There are two
sides to this coin, and both sides are in need of improvement:
  a) There are some meritorious contributions that never got
   incorporated due to lack of proper review ... and
  b) There is some suboptimal code that has been incorporated
   due to lack of proper review.

On 07/16/2007 02:24 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:

>> I don't disagree with anything [Stuart] said, but delegation is a lot harder
>> than it looks.  I need to find (a) someone qualified to do the work and (b)
>> someone who can do it consistantly and isn't going to get overwhelmed after
>> the first month and drop out of the picture.  I've had several past
>> delegation efforts derailed because things just didn't work out.  

I don't understand that.  If you *add* a competent delegate, and 
after a few months he gets overwhelmed, you're no worse off then 
where you started.

>> For the record, 20 different people have commit access to various portions
>> of the FlightGear repository.

That's true but misleading, as previously discussed.  Practically all
of the work is done by a muuuch smaller number.

>> Addressing the specific case of the web site.  The web site is in cvs.  I'm
>> not the only one that is authorized to make changes.  However, I am the
>> only
>> one that can upload those changes to the actual server.  Unfortunately,
>> giving access to this last step of uploading content would involve personal
>> passwords and the ability to affect my paypal account and a few other
>> things
>> that I'm somewhat nervous about handing off.

There are lots of ways of solving that problem.  We agree that shared
passwords are a bad idea.  Always bad.  Very bad.  OTOH, most security 
should be certificate-based, not password-based.  Uploading to the web 
site could easily be controlled by a short list of SSH public-key
certificates, one certificate per delegate, with no sharing of passwords 
nor sharing of private keys.

>> Deligation is one of the main tasks of a paid manager with paid employees.
>> Deligation is needed to get the overall job done as efficiently as
>> possible.  

In a project this size, delegation is needed to get any reasonable
amount of work done.

>> But in a context where a volunteer manager is dealing with
>> volunteer developers, none of whom can devote 40-80 hours a week to the
>> project, delegation becomes much harder.  Actually, you can't even really
>> call it delegation. 

Sure you can.  This is not a new issue.  There are tons of all-volunteer
open software projects.  There are also boy scouts, girl scouts, garden
clubs, bowling leagues, sewing clubs, and even .... flying clubs, all 
with officers who volunteer their time.  Statistics show that such 
organizations are a significant part of the economy (if you measure 
things properly).

The flying club president delegates a huge amount of work to the vice 
president, the treasurer, the chief flight instructor, the safety 
officer, the maintenance officer, multiple crew chiefs, multiple 
assistant crew chiefs, the recruiting officer, and who-knows-what 

If you don't want to call this delegation, pick another word ... but 
most people just call it delegation.

If a large club ever gets into a situation where one or two guys are 
doing all the work, those guys are going to get burned out, and then
quit.  At that point the very survival of the club is in jeopardy.
Therefore it is crucial for clubs to appoint officers who know how
to delegate wisely.

>> Right now we depend on a precious few people who really know the code
>> backwards and forwards and just "get" the project so to speak.  However,
>> there is so much work todo, that there is a very real danger that these
>> people will burn out and dissappear.

Exactly!  That's a core problem that needs to be addressed.

Also:  If the code is so obscurely written and poorly documented that
new well-qualified people cannot get up to speed in a reasonable time, 
we need better code ... not better delegates.

>> What do you think would happen if I started picking
>> names and assigning tasks and deadlines and demanding weekly reports?!?
>> Instead I have to resort to trickery, mind games, and reverse logic to
>> convince people who are already very busy that they should take on
>> additional tasks 

Of the top-ten things that need doing, I don't see that any of them
would benefit from deadlines or weekly reports.
>> It appears that we have hit or are near to hitting some sort of "ceiling" in
>> the open-source world.  Is there a way to break through to the next level? 

That's mostly the right question to be asking.  But I don't think things
are really so dire.  I don't think we are near any sort of ceiling;  I 
think we can improve things quite a bit via simple, evolutionary changes, 
without the need for breaking through anything.

In addition to the items enumerated above, here are some specific suggestions:

5) It would help to encourage people on occasion to improve the decorum on
 this list.  Time-honored rules apply
 -- It is OK to critique the code.  It is not OK to launch ad-hominem attacks
  against the person who wrote the code.
 -- Suggestions should be specific and constructive.  Non-specific 
  remarks like "this whole thing is garbage" are unhelpful.
 -- et cetera.

6) The documentation is in great need of improvement.  Improving the 
 would make things better in a hurry.

 More than a dozen specific constructive suggestions can be found here:

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