On Sun, 2 Apr 2006 14:21:32 +0000 (UTC), Martin wrote in message 

> Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > ..chances are Martin is referring to your language, constructive
> > criticism remains constructive criticism even when given 2" off 
> > your face by some looouuud drill sarge.  ;o)
> I see, you miss the point. This is no contructive criticism any more,
> this fulfills the term of "bodily injury caused by negligence",
>       Martin.

..here, you and I are in a wee disagreement, I have taken and served my
fair share of such constructive criticisism because I care about getting
guys straight off the street, into the best combatworthy shape possible,
both on my side and, on the right side.  Likewise Melchior cares about
getting the best possible FG code outta volonteers like yourself, which
is not much different from his professional life AFAIKI.  
That said, the language, tone and humor is waaay more caustic 
anywhere I have done .mil service than in "civilian life", simply
because of the tradition and the purpose it serves.

..I guess we might wanna think a little bit about how we are heard and
understood, I suspect you Martin has taken offense of words that was
never meant harshly, simply because you're a good civilised civilian and
guessing you saw no point in volonteering in anything made obsolete 
by peace and die Mauer Weg in the early 1990-ies. 

..this experience alone gives you a different enough perspective to hear
our Austrian military friend writing in english, differently _enough_ to
take offense of _how_you_hear_him_, rather than on what he _says_, 
which means you guys don't understand each other the way you should, 
and you guys should fix that, because FG needs you both, IMHO.

..me, having tired of a leeenghty OT "NGO-style" political discussion 
on how-baaad-things-go-in-the-world over at the gasification list, 
I did a _big_ snip and got a little (too?) caustic myself:  ;o)
On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 00:12:41 +0200, Arnt wrote in message 

> On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 22:20:08 -0800, Mark wrote in message 
> > We depend upon the scientific method for nearly all processes except
> > religion, prejudice, Luddite-ism and dumb luck. What is with this
> > War on Science that has been launched in parallel to the War on
> > Terror? Would someone kindly explain to me the downside of reducing
> > greenhouse emissions?
> .."muslims, gooks 'n niggahs might survive."  ;o)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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