[fltk.general] Widget not being shown

2011-02-24 Thread Phillip Wu
Hi, I have created my own class: class tag: public Fl_Widget { private: char text[80]; Fl_Color tcolor; int tfont; int tfontsize; int posx; int posy; void draw(){ printf("tag draw of %s\n",text); // trace fl_color(tcolor); fl_font(tfont,tfontsize); fl_draw(text,posx,p

[fltk.general] FLTK example table-spreadsheet-with-keyboard-nav crashes

2011-01-27 Thread Phillip Wu
Hello, I have built and run the example "table-spreadsheet-with-keyboard-nav.cxx" within Visual Studio Express C++ and using FLTK library 1.3. However the code crashes: main() 308: table->rows(11) 88: set_value_hide() 82: values[row_edit][col_edit] = atoi(input->value()); Line 82