Would like to hear from Albrecht, Matt, and Mike on this as well.

        Greg: Zlib or MIT with exceptions to relax use and not require citations
        Ian: Zlib, add exception to relax code use

Recommendations of other licenses are fine too.

I think all we really want people NOT to do is attempt to declare ownership
to themselves, then try to leverage others with it, as well as including a
"limited warranty" and "liability waiver".

As an example of usurping ownership, say someone at Company A uses some
of our example code, then he leaves the company. Years later, Company A
thinks our examples were taken from their code (due to the similarity)
and attempt to take us, or others to task about it.

I did some research trying to figure out what license books use for their
examples, but couldn't find much.

O'Reilly has the following general policy for reuse of code examples from his
books, but it's not really "a license", it's just a FAQ response from Tim 

In general, all books have copyright notices at the front, but don't generally
discuss the use of example code.. the implication is to of course use them,
and people usually reference the source if they want when appropriate, but
are certainly not forced.

It'd be nice if our example code didn't need paragraphs of license prologue,
and could just reference a file (eg. README-License.txt) that comes with
the examples.

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