Re: [fltk.opengl] event_x() To Get FL_Gl_Window Coordinates

2013-04-05 Thread Albrecht Schlosser
On 03.04.2013 22:54, Mike Werner wrote: I want to be able to left click in an OpenGL window and have the mouse coordinates in that window returned (i.e. relative to the upper left corner of the window). Seems like I should be able to do this using Fl::event_x. However it's turning out to

Re: [fltk.opengl] How to enable Drag n Drop on OpenGL window ?

2013-02-22 Thread Albrecht Schlosser
On 18.02.2013 12:17, Furqan wrote: ... File only accepted when drop over the Fl_Double_Window. Here is my code.. MainWindow-begin(); // Fl_Double_Window DnDReceiver b(0,0,WINDOW_SIZE_W, WINDOW_SIZE_H); // Drag n Drop Box glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH |

Re: [fltk.opengl] problems for input Widget in a browser

2012-02-13 Thread Albrecht Schlosser
On 13.02.2012 07:21, goodwood wrote: please see the following code, it simply puts two input widgets into a browser. But it's running, the caption of the input widget won't appear unless setting its align as INSIDE (compare input1 and input2). And the mouse cannot correctly position the

Re: [fltk.opengl] how to use glutWire* functions ?

2011-03-15 Thread Albrecht Schlosser
On 15.03.2011 04:48, Greg Ercolano wrote: Greg Ercolano wrote: Maybe show us your FLTK2 translated sphere.cxx file. I decided to take a shot at translating this example to FLTK2. I'm not sure if it's right because I get the same error you do, with or without the glutInit()

Re: [fltk.opengl] how to use glutWire* functions ?

2011-03-14 Thread Albrecht Schlosser
On 13.03.2011 11:20, jseb wrote: I put a freeglut window in fltk gui. In my redraw function, i draw a sphere: glutWireSphere(0.7,10,10); I compile and link like this: g++ *.cxx -Wall -lfltk2 -lfltk2_gl -lfltk2_glut -lGL -lGLU -lglut And when executing: freeglut ERROR: Function

Re: [fltk.opengl] linking error.

2010-11-29 Thread Albrecht Schlosser
Ben Stott wrote: I think you might need to link against ws2_32.lib - note that linking order is important, so you'll have to link to ws2_32.lib before you link to any of fltk's openGL stuff. Hmm? I think you're right, but the order should be the opposite, i.e. ws2_32.lib last. And

Re: [fltk.opengl] FLTK installation Windows7 64-bit using VS2008

2010-03-10 Thread Albrecht Schlosser
Nikhil Navkar wrote: Could anyone please tell which version of FLTK should be used for installation as per the given configuration: Windows 7 (64-bit) Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x64 Platform, Release or Debug - Configuration First of all: your question should be in fltk.general, there

Re: [fltk.opengl] handle not called when mouse dragged

2009-03-10 Thread Albrecht Schlosser
Livia Koch wrote: I have subclassed Fl_Gl_Window (class My_Window) and written an own handle-function. It works fine, but recently I have made a new subclass My_Window_2 to my first subclass. As a handle function, it is still calling My_Window::handle(int event). Do you really mean