I've tried bebugging this for a while and haven't made much headway.
I've also read a few other posts regarding UseCompositeId and the seem
to boil down to "use a surrogate key", which is not really an option
for me.

Here is my override code:

    public class ConfigurationMappingOverride :
        public void Override( AutoMap<Configuration> mapping )
            mapping.WithTable( "xCoreConfiguration" );
            mapping.References( c => c.Application,
"FK_xCoreApplicationId" );
                .WithKeyReference( c => c.Application,
"FK_xCoreApplicationId" )
                .WithKeyProperty( c => c.Key );

A couple of notes.
1) mapping.References is required otherwise the reference column name
will be incorrect.  I would have hoped that the WithKeyReference would
take care of that for me.
2) WithKeyReference requires the column name for the same reason as 2.

With this configuration I am able to select and update with no
issues.  The problems arise when I try to insert a new entry.  The
insert statement has 7 parameters, including two for the composite
key.  However, Nhibernate sets the parameters of the command in two
stages.  First all of the mapped properties, then the composite id.

The issue is that Nhibernate first sets the parameters from all of the
properties, including the two properties used for the composite id.
By the time the composite id is consumed, the parameter index has run
past the number of parameters on the command.

I tried adding mapping.IgnoreProperty( c => c.Key ) and that seemed to
correct the issue for the simple property.  However,
mapping.IgnoreProperty( c => c.Application ) doesn't work, presumably
because of the mapping.References(...).

I suspect I am missing a simple Fluent/Nhibernate configuration to
make all of this work.

Does anyone have any ideas?  Also, can someone tell me how to generate
the configuration xml from Fluent?

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