As far as I'm aware, you cannot do this with a MTM, you'd need to split the
join table into it's own class, then have two OTM relationships to it from
the MTM classes, both of them using an ordered list based on that tertiary
You may also want to try your question at NhUsers, as it's not specifically
a FNH question, and they might have a trick or two up their sleeve.

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 8:07 PM, rqmedes <> wrote:

> HI,
> I have a  many-to-many relationship between 2 tables
> e.g Table A  and
>      Table B
> I am using a third  a table C to join them   base on the  Id's from
> table A and B
> I need to join the information in a specific order and was thinking
> that my mapping table C could have another
> field to hold a sequence number but am unsure how to map this and use
> it.
> Any suggestions would be appreicated
> Regards,
> >

- Hudson

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