perfect - thanks a lot for quick response.

On 11 Bře, 09:49, James Gregory <> wrote:
> Conventions can be applied to standard 
> ClassMaps.
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 7:51 AM, Filip Kinsky <> wrote:
> > I'm beginning with FluentNH and I'm just thinking if it's possible to
> > combine standard ClassMaps with conventions approach. I think it's not
> > possible, but I'm rather asking... I'd like for example to define that
> > all string properties with name "Description" should map to "DESCR"
> > field with length 200 + not null. I could implement it in my ClassMap
> > base class (ancestor of all my mapping classes) using reflection, but
> > I'm thinking if there's already something ready for this kind of
> > problems. Some other example could be foreign key names, M:N table
> > names etc. Is there anything in FluentNH I could use for this already
> > or should I implement some helper methods in by ClassMap base class?
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