FLUXLIST: Hosta associations

2001-05-24 Thread Mick Boyle
I like hostas. I have some growing outside. The name bothers me though. Hosta.. Hostility.. Hostage. Mick

FLUXLIST: FLUXLIST question, attached files?

2001-05-24 Thread Mick Boyle
Dear Fluxlisters, I am new to this list. I make digital art and would like to share some of it with this group. Is it ok to post messages with attached image files ( .jpg format usually under 100kb) ? Or do the members of this list prefer a a clickable URL link ? I will wait to hear your response

FLUXLIST: Mick's digital art website

2001-05-25 Thread Mick Boyle
http://www.alltel.net/~moontea/main.html Well here it is. Please take a look if you're interested. I am interested in any comments or reactions to these pieces. Thanks. Mick

FLUXLIST: project - heart radish cross

2001-05-25 Thread Mick Boyle
Heart Radish Cross Project You all are invited to participate in this visual exchange. The link below is a 800 x 600 pixel jpg image (163kb) composed of some small ink drawings of hearts radishes and crosses. Download this image and change it, add to it, mutate it, do anything you like with any

FLUXLIST: licko licko fundu for the masses [grapes, the seedless variety]

2001-05-26 Thread Mick Boyle
licko licko fundu for the masses [grapes, the seedless variety] Even though I don't like your recent tirade, I do like this line from one of your mocking poems.

FLUXLIST: Jason Pierce = Bully

2001-05-26 Thread Mick Boyle
Jason Pierce, Why you seem so invested in getting your way about this is beyond me. Try to get along with others, have some good manners, or if you can't, leave and create a stir elsewhere. I don't think anyone likes a bully. Mick

Re: FLUXLIST: Ebay Art

2001-05-31 Thread Mick Boyle
Hmmm $27.50 and 20 bids for personal hatred? I can appreciate this interesting idea. But I think I would rather bid on unconditional devotion. Mick http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1434614536

Re: FLUXLIST: who amungst you.......

2001-06-14 Thread Mick Boyle
Subject: FLUXLIST: who amungst you... would like a sack of air? and what will you barter? I would barter a shoe box of desire or a weekends worth of postmodern irony. Deal?

FLUXLIST: Re: rhubarb variation

2001-06-24 Thread Mick Boyle
rhubarb variations rhublurb rudebarb rhubarbarian rhuthedayyouwerebornbarb rhuboob rhuthlessbarb