# and Robin shall restore amends

                sometimes I wonder,  that day it rained      you never would say     
you came from,     i get home from work and you're still standing there in
your dressing gown    well, what am i to do?    two roads diverged in the
wood, and I---   please, give me your hands, if we be friends;  --rise up,
because for you,   the flag is flung - for you,   the bugle trills,   for
you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding,

        for you they call, “we're the flowers in the dustbin,   we're the poison in
your human machine,   we're the future you're future,  let the stories be
told,   let the photos be old,    when evening falls so hard,   when you're
on the street      they can say what they want     let them show what they
want,..."    and for you they ask, “didn't you love the things we stood for?
didn't we try to find some good for you and me?   will you ride the great
white bird into heaven now?   will you carry our words of love with you?"
then they say, “it must be strangely exciting to watch the stoics squirm,
must be somewhat heartening to watch shepard meet shepard..."  and finally,
“didn’t she wake you up to tell you that   it was only a change of    plan?"

        as now, I'm standing in the rain on the corner    I'm watching the people
go shuffling downtown     as now, my body’s starting to quiver   and the
palms of my hands are getting wet,    it's all a terrible mess,    I used to
live alone before I knew you,  and now-- I'm living off of grass  and I'm
dripping from the ceilings,      for when I'm breathless     I'll run in the
rain till    I'm     breathless...

        so hello?   is anybody home?    wild men who caught and sang the sun in
flight,    you don't know me, but I know you       young people speaking
their minds,  I’m sorry to disturb you,   in your long arms    in your
automatic arms   your electronic arms   in your petrochemical arms   in your
military arms     where the Room suddenly gets still   and when you'd almost
bet   you could hear yourself   sweat,    and when I watch you move    and I
can't think straight   and I am silenced   and I can't think straight
when you went out of sight   when you got lost into the city   got lost into
the night   and somehow I lost touch      when I'm throwing punches in the
air    when I'm broken down and I can't stand   when I've shown you that I
just don't care    when,  I feel that I should be heard loud and clear:

        yes, it's a long way to go, but in the meantime,   in the mean time,,,,....
before you cross the street   there's nothing in the street    there is no
street     we are all outlaws in the eyes of America     in order to survive
we steal, cheat, lie, forge, fuck, hide and deal    we are obscene, lawless,
hideous, dangerous, dirty, violent      and young people,   if this isn't
what you see   if this doesn't make you feel    if you don't want to be seen
if you don't want to believe     think but this, and all is mended,  that
you have but slumber'd here   while these visions did appear....

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love, Douglas

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