I love how I can’t go to my parents about ANYTHING after 8:00 in the p-m.

I’ve been saying this for years as if my putting it out there in the open
would EVER CHANGE anything. I never used to want to write this down in my LJ
because I was afraid my mom would click on the link in my profile and see
what I was saying about their drunkenness. Now there’s a new problem: I
don’t give a shit.

Maybe this could serve as a concrete sign for how disappointed I am…

I called them tonight for some kind of advice or consolation to a problem
I’ve been having, but because my mother is a bitter, menopausal wench when
she drinks, she basically told me that I was overreacting and should,
succinctly, suck it up.

My god, I cannot wait to get drunk with my parents. I forgot just how much
fun (for me at least) it is to just let my parents tell stories about when
they were younger. Chris is right, they need to write down everything that
they've ever done, so when they've passed, we can finally know just what the
fuck my parents did.

I realized half way through the conversation with my father that today had
been his day off, which explained why I could only understand roughly ½ of
what he was saying on the phone… all of which was just bullshit anyway. Not
to mention the fact that no matter the topic at hand, my father needs to
incorporate the fact that he and my mother have been married for 21 years.
As if that has ANYTHING to do with ANYTHING…

Last night was crazy. I got all emotional and dumb because next year i am
moving to the city, and i called Nicole crying because i am a baby and i
don't want to leave my parents or her. i figure i have to go, i have to grow
up. I am not going to be my parents baby forever. it just gets me so damn
sad when i think about it. i will just miss her a lot, she's the only person
i think i'll actually miss because i won't be able to see her all of the
time. i'll miss my mom and dad a lot too, just because i am their baby.
goodness. hi, i'm 5.

“Hey Dad, Martians are attacking and want to eat my brain!”
“Well, you know, your mother and I have been together for 25 years.”

“Hey Dad, I was raped and mugged on the way home from the grocery store
“21 years is a long time to be married, you know. Your mother and I have
done something a lot of couples can’t.”

“Hey, Dad! You and Mom drink too much! It’s scary, humiliating, and has left
innumerable emotional scars on Nick and I since we were kids.”
“Rachel, this isn’t the time or place to talk about this. I’m too busy
basking in the fact that your mother and I have been together for OVER TWO

I don't have many stories to tell my kids. I have a handful, but they fail
in comparison to my parents. I need to get on the ball here.

Blog Mined by A!!an

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