thirteen hours
thirteen hors
tirteen ors
trteen ors
trtn ors
trt os
tt os
tt s

a book of sorts by

alan bowman
aan bowman
aan bwma
aa wma
aa wa

what about it?                                       how do i obtain a copy?
one copy available at the moment         offers/reasons?
ne cpy available at the mment               oers/reasons?
e cpy available at the mmet                   ors/rasons?
e cpy available a he mme                      ors/rsons?
e cy available a he mme                        or/sons?
e cy vilble  he mme                               or/on?
e cy ville  he mme                                 o/o?
e cy ille  he mme                                   /?
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anyone interested?

interesting /swaps/reasons/offers of employment always readily considered
cash accepted too at a push;-)

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