this is my favorite recent "real" mail--(see below after various detours among hallways--)

there is a whole world out there of what i call FAUXK ART or FAUXK objects, events, people--

there are so many avenues for exporation in the world around one!  to invent and investigate ever new art "forms", "movements" anti-art BRUTality realities und so weider--

pink plank punk!  one of these invesitigations: for some time have written a friend postcards & brief letters re the paintings, prints, phtoos, drawings etc seen in institutions--hospitals, the probation/parole offices. the various assistance programs, theaters, waiting rooms, offices of official officials--libraries & museums, cafes and clubs--bathrooms--

children's drawings hanging up all over secretaries' and doctors'  et alia's workrooms--

a doctor ("primary care"--somehat along the line of "primary colors")i see now has CLOWNS EVERYWHERE! amazing series of labyrinthine dusty rooms one goes in to--stuffed to staggering with papers, files, ancient creaking desks and tables groaning under the seismic slippages of medical tomes, long dead perhaps patients' charts--magazines heaped and curled once meant for waiting room--TIME--(the magazine)--expired! shoved off into a corner and bent inward on itself--

and in last room at very end with little dusty window beside desk looking out to a now demolsihed series of buildings--

clowsn everywhere!--hanging puppet clowns, clowns zooming on pulleys, dozens of the ugliest clown prints and images one has seen yet--

FAUXK ART!--garish and grim clowns--tortured looking ill painted clowns--clowns made out the refuse of long forgotten sideshows it looks like--faded glitz and blurry faces--

some so sad you want to go jump off the nearest bridge--

or blow up the building!--or run outside hollering for humanity--LOOK OUT!--

no child seeing these would ever run away to join the circus--

well, having given some idea of the INVENT DAILY/INVESTIGATE THE DAILY routine

here is my favorite piece of new  REAL MAIL:

>From: Criminal Justice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Crime doesn't pay, but a degree in criminal justice does.
>Protect and serve.
>Get involved on the front lines or behind the scenes and make
>your community and your country a safer place to live.
>Advance your criminal justice career and your salary
>with an online degree from Kaplan College, one of America's
>leading accredited schools. For more information, go to:
>To be taken off this list:
>or send notice to: Customer Service, PO Box 390520, Mountain View, CA 94039-0520

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