In jections

yr comb dick shudder, needle
wall glazed with flounder loss
bouncing cage against yr song
stirred groan lick other wheedling
gall dazed with louder cost
mousy page redressed yr donG
Dong or pressed page mousy
cost louder with razed wall
wheedling other licks groan spurned!
song yr dense cage bouncing
loss flounder with glazed wall
needle shudders dick, comb yr


stoppered closet lap throat you
"contained" or / bevelled smoke clam
grated kinda, smelled the mile
while the welling mind grated
dam hope, levelled nor obtained
your boat's slap, cause's clockeD
Clocked cause's shat boat your
rained nor levelled slope hand,
dated wind wells the smile
mile the felt grinding traded.
clam smoke bevelled or detained
you throat spat, closet stoppered

John M. Bennett
Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-8114

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