Allen wrote:

>Better yet, anyone new here might want to visit Sol Nte's FLUXLIST i-ZONE
- another one of those crazy Fluxlist projects (with contributions from the
late PK Harris).

You still taking contributions, Sol?<

Yes, the gallery is still open for contributions. I have a couple of updates
to do  since before christmas. I also bought a new kind of i-zone in Japan,
it's called a Xiao Be (the i-zone was marketed as the Xiao in Japan anyway),
no flash but 3 weather settings that actually work (although they take a bit
of getting used to) plus v.compact design

only photo of it on the web I could find
it's the silver one on the right. Actually this is a cool site that's
probably even better if you can read Japanese, lots of picture of different
(and somewhat obscure) toy cameras. A real toy camera otaku site methinks.

Xiao Be is really cheap too, less than half the price i-zones sell for in
the UK.
The pictures taken with it are better than the i-zone thanks to the third
weather setting which still gives bright pictures in low light, however the
absence of a flash means no indoor pics. The other great thing is the
size....the original i-zone was really bulky but the Xiao Be fits easily in
the pocket, also when there's no film in it it compacts even's the
best i-zone yet! Unfortunately the first film I put through it didn't go
through properly so all my pictures had a quarter black rectangle..this used
to happen with my i-zone too :(

anyway, submit pics if you have 'em and new updates soon....



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