Forgive me if this is a silly question ...

I'm running Redhat 9, and the font list I get from the
Terminal "edit current profile" differs from the X11 xfontsel list.
How can I use the Terminal fonts from X11?

For example, the Terminal "edit current profile" gui shows
the Miriam font, but Miriam isn't listed by xfontsel or xlsfonts.

Similarly, the Terminal profile gui has the Luxi Mono font in lots of
sizes ... 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16,18, etc.  But the xfontsel version
of Luxi Mono comes in only one size: 17.

What gives?  Where are all those fonts and sizes ...
they don't seem to be listed by /etc/X11/fs/config.
How can I use them from classic X11 apps?

Many thanks,


Steve Sullivan    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Mathcom Solutions Inc.: Custom Software Development.
    * Mathematical optimization, simulation, and modeling.
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