hello, can anyone help me to solve this problem. Thanks you

i'm using fop-0.19.0-CVS and xerces-1.4.0..i'm trying to adding a new fonts
...after inserting the fonts i run with this command :

java org.apache.fop.apps.Fop -c C:\Fop-0.19.0-CVS\conf\userconfig.xml -xml
ebx.xml -xsl chinese.xsl -pdf outputPDF.pdf

but i get this error:

C:\testFop>rem   java org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader -fn
-cn BitStreamCyberbit -ef C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\Cyberbit.ttf C:
t.ttf cyberbit.xml

C:\testFop>java org.apache.fop.apps.Fop -c C:
 -xml ebx.xml -xsl chinese.xsl -pdf outputPDF.pdf
reading user configuration file
FOP 0.19.0-CVS
ERROR: null

i'm already setting my userconfig.xml and every setting almost same with
the setting using Fop-0.18.1-DEV....

so anything wrong with me? or can anybody tell me the new features or new
setting for using this Fop-0.19.0-CVS


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