I can name some other entries for the Use Cases section, if you like. One of
my recent clients is a large (one of the biggest, in fact) newspaper in the
Eastern U.S. They use FOP for reports, so you could add newspapers to your
list of industries.

My current client is a small hardware manufacturer, and they'll be using FOP
to produce technical specifications (and other documents). So, you could add
Technical Specifications to the list of Book-style Documents, if you like.

As I said in my other (nitpicking) message, I like the poster a lot.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeremias Maerki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <fop-dev@xmlgraphics.apache.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 5:39 PM
Subject: FOP Poster

> Gang,
> I've finally finished (more or less anyway) the poster I plan to put up
> at OpenExpo on 2006-09-20. I'd appreciate if someone could take a quick
> peek and tell me if it's looking too ugly or if there are any spelling
> mistakes. The logos may seem a bit dark on screen, but they look fine in
> print.
> http://jeremias-maerki.ch/download/fop/fop-poster.pdf
> BTW, the poster is done entirely with FOP and Batik. :-)
> Thanks,
> Jeremias Maerki

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