Hello all, 

Actually I have the opposite problem. I'm too having some long words inside a 
table cell, but since my table-columns have a fixed width I would like to 
have the content of the cell to be truncated in the case  of a "long word". 
What I did was to use  <fo:table-cell wrap-option="no-wrap"> to dissallow the 
cell's contents to be wrapped. But what FOP did was to "shrink" enough the 
"gap" between each character so the "long word" could fit in the block area 
within the cell.

I was unable to locate any hint in the list's archives, therefore I'm asking.. 
if it's possible to truncate the cell's contents to a specific and fixed 
width size ? (ex: If the cell's content would be normaly "Filippos Slavik", 
but the font-size and/or the cell width is not big enough to hold the entire 
string, I would like a "Filippos Sla" string to appear in the generated PDF 

Filippos Slavik

>Use <fo:table-cell wrap-option="wrap">
>pkrishnaswami wrote:
>>We are using FOP to publish our documents in PDF. Some of the contents in
>>the table cell contain long words; eg: full name of java classes where the
>>length of the package is wider than the cell\column width; The contents of
>>these long words spills beyond the table cell.  Is there a way to wrap the
>>word if it reaches the end of the table cell.
Filippos Slavik
FORTHnet R&D, Heraklion, Greece
phone : (+3) 810 391230

"The software said 'runs on Win95 or better,' so I installed it
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