Title: Loading font files from CLASSPATH. FOP 0.20.5 extension proposal

Dear FOP developers/users,

The Problem:
The project I am working on, needs to load the FOP Font related files from CLASSPATH (more exactly from a JAR file in CLASSPATH) in order to embed them in a client (AWT or PDF).

The Tries:
First I tried to configure FOP (in userconfig.xml) in order to achieve these needs. I was not able to get to the expected results. I checked the FOP code (org.apache.fop.tools.URLBuilder.java) and I discovered that FOP 0.20.5 supports the localization of the FOP Font related files by URLs. The building of these URLs is possible to be done only in 2 ways:

(I) from a File Object and
(II) from a base URL Object and a specification String Object.
I found no support for localizing the FOP Font related files using a URL build on the base of a CLASSPATH Loader.

FOP 0.20.5 extension proposal:
For our needs I adjusted only the org.apache.fop.tools.URLBuilder.java class.
Description: In case a URL is not possible to be build up using the 2 existing ways, the URL is build up using Class.getResource(String):URL.

Original Version of the class: $Id: URLBuilder.java,v 2003/02/25 15:19:57 jeremias Exp $
------------- ORIGINAL Start -------------
    public static URL buildURL(URL baseURL, String spec) throws MalformedURLException {
        if (spec == null) throw new NullPointerException("spec must not be null");
        try {
            URL u1 = buildURL(spec);
            return u1;
        } catch (MalformedURLException mfue) {
            if (baseURL == null) throw mfue;
            else {
                URL u2 = new URL(baseURL, spec);
                return u2;
------------- ORIGINAL End -------------
------------- MODIFICATIONS Start -------------
    public static URL buildURL(URL baseURL, String spec) throws MalformedURLException {
        if (spec == null) throw new NullPointerException("spec must not be null");
        try {
            URL u1 = buildURL(spec);
            return u1;
        } catch (MalformedURLException mfue) {
            if (baseURL == null) {
                return URLBuilder.class.getResource(spec);
            } else {
                URL u2 = new URL(baseURL, spec);
                return u2;
------------- MODIFICATIONS End -------------
In order these changes to take effect the fontBaseDir must not be configured in userconfig.xml.
------------- userconfig.xml Sample Start -------------
<!-- COMMENTED OUT: fontBaseDir

                <font   metrics-file="/test/fonts/Arial.xml"
                    <font-triplet name="Arial" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
------------- userconfig.xml Sample End -------------

The code adjustments might not follow the best design decisions, what I tried was to keep FOP as much as possible unchanged.

Please correct if I am wrong,

Best Regards,
Alexandru P I Ţ I Ş
Application Developer
EBS Romania S.R.L.

ro - 400118 cluj, str. pavel rosca nr. 9
t       + 40 264 406 460
     + 40 264 406 461
m       + 40 745 138 922
@       alexandru.pitis@ebsromania.ro
i       www.ebsromania.ro

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