
I performed security audit report via brakeman gem and reviewed all
warnings found. None of these look like exploitable security issue to
me, so I am sending it here for further analysis.

The first two warnings really smell tho therefore I created a refactor
ticket - we should get rid of this style for the future:


Full report follows:

== Brakeman Report ==

Application Path: /home/lzap/work/foreman
Rails Version: 4.2.9
Brakeman Version: 4.0.1
Scan Date: 2017-10-10 13:29:23 +0200
Duration: 24.950139702 seconds
Checks Run: BasicAuth, BasicAuthTimingAttack, ContentTag, CreateWith,
CrossSiteScripting, DefaultRoutes, Deserialize, DetailedExceptions,
DigestDoS, DynamicFinders, EscapeFunction, Evaluation, Execute,
FileAccess, FileDisclosure, FilterSkipping, ForgerySetting, HeaderDoS,
I18nXSS, JRubyXML, JSONEncoding, JSONParsing, LinkTo, LinkToHref,
MailTo, MassAssignment, MimeTypeDoS, ModelAttrAccessible,
ModelAttributes, ModelSerialize, NestedAttributes,
NestedAttributesBypass, NumberToCurrency, QuoteTableName, Redirect,
RegexDoS, Render, RenderDoS, RenderInline, ResponseSplitting,
RouteDoS, SQL, SQLCVEs, SSLVerify, SafeBufferManipulation,
SanitizeMethods, SelectTag, SelectVulnerability, Send, SendFile,
SessionManipulation, SessionSettings, SimpleFormat, SingleQuotes,
SkipBeforeFilter, StripTags, SymbolDoSCVE, TranslateBug,
UnsafeReflection, ValidationRegex, WithoutProtection, XMLDoS,

== Overview ==

Controllers: 145
Models: 132
Templates: 492
Errors: 0
Security Warnings: 39

== Warning Types ==

Cross-Site Request Forgery: 2
Cross-Site Scripting: 2
Dangerous Send: 2
Dynamic Render Path: 3
File Access: 2
Mass Assignment: 1
Redirect: 1
Remote Code Execution: 4
SQL Injection: 21
SSL Verification Bypass: 1

== Warnings ==

Confidence: High
Category: Dangerous Send
Check: Send
Message: User controlled method execution
Code: host.power.send(params[:power][:action].to_sym)
File: app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb
Line: 475

Confidence: High
Category: Dangerous Send
Check: Send
Message: User controlled method execution
Code: (resource_base.friendly.find(params[:id]) or
File: app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb
Line: 266

Confidence: High
Category: Remote Code Execution
Check: UnsafeReflection
Message: Unsafe reflection method constantize called with parameter value
Code: params[:host].delete(:type).constantize
File: app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb
Line: 709

Confidence: High
Category: Remote Code Execution
Check: UnsafeReflection
Message: Unsafe reflection method constantize called with parameter value
Code: params[:host].delete(:type).constantize
File: app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb
Line: 710

Confidence: High
Category: Remote Code Execution
Check: UnsafeReflection
Message: Unsafe reflection method constantize called with parameter value
Code: params[:type].constantize
File: app/controllers/api/v2/hosts_controller.rb
Line: 378

Confidence: High
Category: Remote Code Execution
Check: UnsafeReflection
Message: Unsafe reflection method constantize called with parameter value
Code: params[:type].constantize
File: app/controllers/api/v2/hosts_controller.rb
Line: 380

Confidence: High
Category: SSL Verification Bypass
Check: SSLVerify
Message: SSL certificate verification was bypassed
Code: Net::HTTP.new(URI.parse(url).host,
URI.parse(url).port).verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
File: app/models/compute_resources/foreman/model/ovirt.rb
Line: 382

Confidence: Medium
Category: Cross-Site Request Forgery
Check: ForgerySetting
Message: protect_from_forgery should be configured with 'with: :exception'
File: app/controllers/api/base_controller.rb

Confidence: Medium
Category: Cross-Site Request Forgery
Check: ForgerySetting
Message: protect_from_forgery should be configured with 'with: :exception'
File: app/controllers/application_controller.rb

Confidence: Medium
Category: File Access
Check: FileAccess
Message: Model attribute used in file name
Code: File.read(Setting[:ssl_priv_key])
File: lib/proxy_api/resource.rb
Line: 111

Confidence: Medium
Category: File Access
Check: FileAccess
Message: Model attribute used in file name
Code: File.read(Setting[:ssl_certificate])
File: lib/proxy_api/resource.rb
Line: 110

Confidence: Medium
Category: Mass Assignment
Check: MassAssignment
Message: Parameters should be whitelisted for mass assignment
Code: params[:vm].permit!
File: app/controllers/compute_resources_vms_controller.rb
Line: 39

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: Host::Managed.reorder("").unscoped.authorized.group("#{resource_name}_id")
File: app/helpers/application_helper.rb
Line: 508

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: User.current.widgets.where("id = #{id}")
File: app/controllers/dashboard_controller.rb
Line: 59

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: with_config_status.where("(host_status.status > 0) and (\n
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.is("failed")} or\n
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.is("failed_restarts")}\n    )")
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 101

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: with_config_status.where("(host_status.status > 0) AND
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 128

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: with_config_status.where("\n
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.is_not("failed")} and\n
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.is_not("failed_restarts")}\n    ")
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 108

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: with_config_status.where("\n
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.is_not("applied")} and\n
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.is_not("restarted")}\n    ")
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 122

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: group("#{Host.table_name}.#{association}_id")
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 434

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: with_config_status.where("(host_status.status > 0) and (\n
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.is("applied")} or\n
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.is("restarted")}\n    )")
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 115

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: Log.where("report_id IN (#{reports.pluck(:id).join(",")})")
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 886

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: where(("reports.created_at < '#{(Time.now.utc -
(conditions[:timerange] or 1.week)).to_formatted_s(:db)}'" + " and
reports.status = #{conditions[:status]}"))
File: app/models/report.rb
Line: 75

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: where(("reports.created_at < '#{(Time.now.utc -
(conditions[:timerange] or 1.week)).to_formatted_s(:db)}'" + " and
reports.status = #{conditions[:status]}"))
File: app/models/report.rb
Line: 78

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: where("(#{report_status_column} >>
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.bit_mask(arg[0].to_s)}) > #{(arg[(1
<< 6)] or 0)}")
File: app/models/config_report.rb
Line: 19

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: eager_load(:host_statuses).where("host_status.type = '#{status_type}'")
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 85

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: where(:puppetclass_lookup_key_id =>
puppetclass_lookup_key_id).where("id != #{this_environment_class_id}")
File: app/models/environment_class.rb
Line: 21

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: with_config_status.where("(host_status.status >>
#{HostStatus::ConfigurationStatus.bit_mask(arg[0].to_s)}) > #{(arg[1]
or 0)}")
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 96

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
File: app/models/host/managed.rb
Line: 451

Confidence: Medium
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: Host::Managed.reorder("").authorized(:view_hosts,
Host).eager_load(proxy_connections_tables).joins("LEFT JOIN
smart_proxies ON smart_proxies.id IN
File: app/models/concerns/hostext/search.rb
Line: 191

Confidence: Weak
Category: Cross-Site Scripting
Check: CrossSiteScripting
Message: Unescaped parameter value
Code: auto_complete_search(:search, params[:search].squeeze(" "),
:placeholder => (_("Filter") + " ..."))
File: app/views/common/_searchbar.html.erb
Line: 6

Confidence: Weak
Category: Cross-Site Scripting
Check: CrossSiteScripting
Message: Unescaped model attribute
Code: (_("Last update: %s") %
File: app/views/trends/index.html.erb
Line: 38

Confidence: Weak
Category: Dynamic Render Path
Check: Render
Message: Render path contains parameter value
Code: render(action => case (resource_base.friendly.find(params[:id])
or resource_base.find_by_mac(params[:host][:mac].to_s)).uuid)[:type]
when "spice" then   "hosts/console/spice" when "vnc" then
"hosts/console/vnc" else   "hosts/console/log" end, {})
File: app/controllers/hosts_controller.rb
Line: 346

Confidence: Weak
Category: Dynamic Render Path
Check: Render
Message: Render path contains parameter value
Code: render(action =>
File: app/views/compute_resources_vms/_details.html.erb
Line: 1

Confidence: Weak
Category: Dynamic Render Path
Check: Render
Message: Render path contains parameter value
Code: render(action => case
when "spice" then   "hosts/console/spice" when "vnc" then
"hosts/console/vnc" else   "hosts/console/log" end, {})
File: app/controllers/compute_resources_vms_controller.rb
Line: 88

Confidence: Weak
Category: Redirect
Check: Redirect
Message: Possible unprotected redirect
Code: redirect_to(send("#{Bookmark.new(bookmark_params).controller}_path"),
:notice => _("Bookmark was successfully created"))
File: app/controllers/bookmarks_controller.rb
Line: 26

Confidence: Weak
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: Host.authorized(:view_hosts,
Host).joins(:primary_interface).where(:nics => ({ :primary => true
})).where("nics.#{name}" => attributes)
File: app/models/compute_resource.rb
Line: 391

Confidence: Weak
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: ancestors.where("#{attr} is not NULL")
File: app/models/concerns/nested_ancestry_common.rb
Line: 77

Confidence: Weak
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: @taxonomy.class.completer_scope(nil).where("id NOT IN
File: app/views/taxonomies/_form.html.erb
Line: 56

Confidence: Weak
Category: SQL Injection
Check: SQL
Message: Possible SQL injection
Code: scope.where("#{self.table_name}.id IN (#{taxable_ids.join(",")})")
File: app/models/concerns/taxonomix.rb
Line: 142

  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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