Hi there 

Did you have all the port needed open from  Katello server to you capsule 
and reverse?

Katello to Capsule ports 

Capsule to Katello Ports

Also try without firewall enable on the machines and selinux disable this 
normally indicate a firewall issue

On Friday, February 10, 2017 at 5:40:45 PHM UTC+1, Edson Manners wrote:
> I'm trying to add a DNS/DHCP capsule/proxy to a Katello 3.1 instance with 
> custom web certs. I've tried using these instructions but they don't seem 
> to help.
> http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/16620
> Definitey seems like a cert issue becasue of the custom Web Cert that 
> we're running but I can't seem to get the proxy to connect. Any help 
> pointing me int he right direction is appreciated.
> Here's what I do:
> =======================================================================
> 1. yum -y localinstall 
> http://katello3.xxx.xxx.xxx/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm
> 2. subscription-manager register --org "XXX" --environment 
> "production/centos7"
> 3. foreman-installer --scenario capsule\
>                     --capsule-parent-fqdn                         
> "katello3.xxx.xxx.xxx"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-register-in-foreman           "true"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-foreman-base-url              "
> https://katello3.xxx.xxx.xxx"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-trusted-hosts                 
> "katello3.xxx.xxx.xxx"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-key           
>  "WNhk9x8zxdxhxRUsagocAkmdTRtAD8Q"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-oauth-consumer-secret         
> "LqiNeGEbhxgxrex8AV6kqxXeiNCsyz7um"\
>                     --capsule-pulp-oauth-secret                   
> "5rdFmrpSsxHXxsxdxJXacjyn9NCcAKi"\
>                     --capsule-certs-tar                           
> "/root/capsule.dns1.xx.xxx.xxx-certs.tar"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-puppetca                      "false"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-puppet                        "false"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-http                          "false"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-templates                     "false"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-plugin-pulp-pulpnode-enabled  "false"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-dhcp                          "true"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-dhcp-interface                "ens3"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-dns                           "true"\
>                     --foreman-proxy-dns-interface                 "ens3"
> ======================================================================= 
> Here is the error:
>  Proxy dns1.yyy.yyy.yyy cannot be registered: Unable to communicate with 
> the proxy: ERF12-2530 [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: Unable to detect features 
> ([RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified]: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 
> state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verif...) for proxy 
> https://dns1.yyy.yyy.yyy:9090/features Please check the proxy is 
> configured and running on the host.
> /Stage[main]/Foreman_proxy::Register/Foreman_smartproxy[dns1.yyy.yyy.yyy]/ensure:
> change from absent to present failed: Proxy dns1.yyy.yyy.yyy cannot be 
> registered: Unable to communicate with the proxy: ERF12-2530 
> [ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: Unable to detect features 
> ([RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified]: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 
> state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verif...) for proxy 
> https://dns1.yyy.yyy.yyy:9090/features Please check the proxy is 
> configured and running on the host.
> Installing             Done                                               
> [100%] [...................................................................]
>   Something went wrong! Check the log for ERROR-level output
>   The full log is at /var/log/foreman-installer/capsule.log
> Here is the proxy status:
> [root@dns1 named]# systemctl status foreman-proxy
> ● foreman-proxy.service - Foreman Proxy
>    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/foreman-proxy.service; enabled; 
> vendor preset: disabled)
>    Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-02-08 16:33:31 EST; 1 day 18h 
> ago
> ...
> Here is the proxy showing the correct features:
> [root@katello3 foreman-proxy]# wget https://dns1.xxx.xxx.xxx:9090/features
> ...
> Saving to: ‘features’
> ...
> [root@katello3 foreman-proxy]# cat features
> ["dhcp","dns"]

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