Here is what one needs to do to upgrade CentOS 6 to CentOS 7 for the 
foreman server.

   1. Install a new CentOS 7 server with the same version of The Foreman 
   that is installed on the CentOS 6 server, including all plugins
   2. Discover the version of PostgreSQL that is installed on the CentOS 7 
   server, and used by The Foreman (rpm -qa | grep postgres)
   3. Download this version of the tar and zipped binary distribution of 
   the PostgreSQL server onto the CentOS 6 server
      -   (clicking on " 
      download a *tag.gz archive* of the binaries, ..." is a link to the 
      following URL)
      4. Shutdown services (not PostgreSQL) on the CentOS 6 server
   5. On the CentOS 6 server, extract this tar and zipped PostgreSQL 
   distribution into a directory named '/usr/local/src/pgsql/'
   6. Backup the CentOS 6 Foreman server as described in the foreman 
   documentation, except for PostgreSQL
   7. Next, backup The Foreman's PostgreSQL database on the CentOS 6 server 
   with the following command series (Postgres calls `-Fc` a "custom dump")
      - su postgres
      - /usr/local/src/pgsql/bin/pg_dump -Fc foreman > 
   8. restore the postgres dump to centos 7 postgres server (Restoring the 
   dump file wants to create the database, but it doesn't, so we create it and 
   endure the resulting error message during the restore operation as shown 
   - su - postgres
      - dropdb foreman
      - createdb foreman
      - g_restore -C -d foreman 
         - You will see the following output, but the restore will still 
         - could not change directory to "/root"
         - pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
         - pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2897; 1262 
         16385 DATABASE foreman foreman
         - pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: 
          database "foreman" already exists
         -     Command was: CREATE DATABASE foreman WITH TEMPLATE = 
         template0 ENCODING = 'SQL_ASCII' LC_COLLATE = 'C' LC_CTYPE = 'C';
         - WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 1
      9. Your Foreman server is now migrated from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7.

If this is your puppet master and/or certificate authority, you may want to 
perform these additional steps

   1. copy over the host configuration from centos 6 to 7 server, if you do 
   not want them to be rebuilt
      - rsync -av /var/lib/puppet/yaml/ 
      2. On the Puppet Master, if necessary, create a new SSL Certificate 
   for the centos 7 server with DNS Alt Name
      2. puppet cert clean yourcentos7server
      3. puppet cert generate yourcentos7server 
      4. restart services
   3. On Puppet Slaves, if necessary, create a new SSL Certificate with DNS 
   Alt Name
      1. add dns_alt_names to [main] section in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
      2. change the puppet master server to the yourcentos7server in 
      3. puppet agent -t  (generates new cert)
         1. sign this cert on the master, if not autosigned
      4. restart services
   4. On CentOS 7 server, ensure the httpd, foreman, and foreman-proxy 
   services are enabled; also ensure firewalld settings are correct


On Monday, February 8, 2016 at 10:09:50 AM UTC-6, Gato Pardo wrote:
> Hello!
> We have been using Foreman for quite a while and we're very happy with it 
> This may be the first time we try to do something that is not already 
> documented.
> We're currently using Foreman 1.10.1 in a CentOS 6 machine, but now time 
> comes to upgrade to CentOS 7 since we're standardizing all machines in the 
> new OS.
> I tried to migrate the server, with the backup - restore process as shown 
> in the documentation (0). The result is not 100% correct, although I would 
> say it mostly works since our installation is pretty simple (we use Foreman 
> for the ENC and report visualization mostly).
> I've got a bunch of database errors when importing the backup like:
> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  constraint 
> "user_roles_role_id_fk" for relation "user_roles" already exists
>     Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY user_roles
>     ADD CONSTRAINT user_roles_role_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES 
> roles(id);
> I wasn't able to find any documentation or experiences, so would anyone 
> have some experience with that kind of upgrade? May I had been impacted by 
> the PostgreSQL migration (8.4 to 9.2)?
> Any tip would be really appreciated!
> Cheers!
> (0) 

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