Re: dirty char on save script [78721]

2023-12-09 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
rseibel: After checking 5.5.1 (790) I confirm this in that version. Fortunately seldom than in versions before, but still suddenly

Re: Find non-utf8 characters [78720]

2023-12-09 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (812) English [78718]

2023-12-09 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
This build doesn't restore opened files on next run. Build 790 does (just replaced exe file for the rollback). -- PSPad freeware editor

=?windows-1250?Q?Re:_has_the_crashing/random_character_insertion_issue_been_addressed_in_the= _latest_version?_[78504]?=

2023-07-31 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
poopiepoop: completely ruined the file and filled it with strange symbos and in worst case it had done some memory leak and crashed the whole

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (790) English [78423]

2023-06-17 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: DeleteWord (Ctrl+DEL) command beavior change Thanks for the fix. But now, being pressed in the end of line, Ctrl+Del does


2023-06-17 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (787) English [78411]

2023-06-07 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: When you call this command from Menu Format, does it works? Yes. Deletion of KeyMan.ini didn't help, corresponding line in the

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (787) English [78406]

2023-06-06 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Can it be because of keyboard layout? I found [url=]this[/ url] Czech layout on Microsoft, looks very different from the mine. In Russia, we use standard US keyboard layout (viz

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (787) English [78405]

2023-06-06 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: If you use PHP and HTML multihighlighter, it won't work, cause HTML doesn't support such form of comment. It doesn't work for

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (787) English [78392]

2023-06-02 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Looks like auto-save doesn't work in 787. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (787) English [78391]

2023-06-02 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Another bug: Ctrl+/ (comment/uncomment a line) never worked for me, in any language. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (787) English [78387]

2023-06-01 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
$url = $base_url.$target_url; I have a line like above. I want to delete spaces to a particular position on the left (manual unindent). Caret is set to a space. When I press Ctrl+Del, PSPad deletes spaces on the right _plus $url_. It makes Ctrl+Del totally unusable. I've

Re: PSPad unicode 5.5.1 (783) English [78200]

2023-03-27 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov

Re: strange signs appear in my files [78191]

2023-03-26 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
I had same issue while editing files using PSPad 5.0.6 build 589 (previous stable release). There were a lot of garbage characters I've treated as memory corruption/dangling pointers. So problem is not related to encodings. Will try next stable release/beta, let's see. --

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (757) English [78026]

2023-02-16 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Thank you for the update. I'm sorry, but current tab highlighting still unusable for me. Now it's _white_ while in the release version it uses a color from the system, looks ~50% gray on my system theme (still Windows 7). Highlighting color setting affects only the thin line on the tab top. I've

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (751) English [77996]

2023-02-03 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: What do you prefer? possibility to switch off highlighting of current tab or possibility to choose color? Both. :-) --

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (751) English [77993]

2023-02-03 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
I haven't found in which beta you've changed color of active tab to orange, Notepad++ style. I'm sorry, but it's very annoying for me. Could you please revert it to gray or add a setting to allow users to choose a comfortable color? -- PSPad

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (267) English [70065]

2018-03-31 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Does Ctrl+mouse wheel work for font size in this version of PSPad? -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (251) English [69775]

2018-01-19 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: If file doesn't contains BOL or any char with value above 127, the content of file is same with ANSI and UTF-8. In this case there is no possibility how to detect content of the file.

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (174) English [68497]

2017-04-08 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
I use 111% custom DPI on my 2K monitor, as I said before. Silk_24 icon set has been chosen in both cases, I've changed only exe. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (174) English [68495]

2017-04-08 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
With build 171, menu font became larger and menu became annoying for me. Same issue with popup menus. Rolled back to 163. (viz ) (viz ) -- PSPad freeware

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (147) English [68325]

2017-03-24 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Too little vertical margin between buttons, no? (viz ) -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (147) English [68308]

2017-03-23 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: System dialogs was changed into PSPad 4 style Perfect! Thanks! :) -- PSPad

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (136) English [68299]

2017-03-22 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
(viz ) -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (136) English [68296]

2017-03-22 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Some system controls like Menu, system dialogs e.t.c. doesn't support user menu font setting. I know. Forgot about it. I want

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (136) English [68293]

2017-03-22 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Maybe I found it. I set DefaultFont=MS Shell Dlg 2 in my Russian.ini file. In my Windows 7 this font is alias to Tahoma. As I see dialog boxes use system font, Segoe UI, which looks similar to MS Sans Serif, aliased through MS Shell Dlg, without "2". (viz

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (136) English [68284]

2017-03-21 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Wrong: (viz ) Right: (viz ) Windows 7, 111% (manual) font size. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (136) English [68281]

2017-03-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Jan, please increase height of dialog buttons: Yes/No/Cancel, etc. Not sure, but dialog window looks like not scaled to system DPI. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Product version of PSPad 4.6.2 [68234]

2017-03-16 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
I think, he's about built-in version information structure. It really contains *product* version 4.5.7. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (122) English [68225]

2017-03-15 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: It depends of Program settings / Program 2 - Statusbar functions require dblClick intead of singleClick. It's common for all status bar operations

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (122) English [68220]

2017-03-15 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
I think, popup menu on double click on status bar isn't intuitive. Popup menu should appear on single click. Double click may be switch ANSI between UTF-8, but I'm not sure. Encodings to switch between may be customizable. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (117) English [68184]

2017-03-10 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Jan, can you add separators between character set groups? For example, on right click on status bar popup menu: ANSI OEM - Unicode ... Unicode ... Unicode ... - ANSI ... ANSI ... ANSI ... ANSI ... - ISO ... ISO ... ISO ... -- OEM ... OEM ... --

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (117) English [68183]

2017-03-10 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Oh, I forgot about URL

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (117) English [68182]

2017-03-10 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: I removed all non single byte code pages from ASCII chart. Nice! :-) Glad to see code page 866 by default. Second surprise --

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (117) English [68174]

2017-03-10 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Does anybode else has a similar problem? On Russian Windows 7, have no problems. New ASCII chart is great, but... wrong on DBCS


2017-03-09 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: In this case you will get table with 65 535 lines - it means unusable. For European only? U+00A0..U+024F for Latin,


2017-03-09 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: But this settings will depends of windows locale. Why? When I have Russian Windows, I can enter Cyrillic letters from keyboard,


2017-03-08 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: But I don't know what to do with char table which is in ANSI now Existing character table in PSPad violates W3C conventions and


2017-03-06 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
vbr: I personally don't really like prefixed or suffixed directory names in such cases I agree. Jan, in addition to UTF-8


2017-03-06 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Same thing if you name script items in Cyrillic and you will run it on Windows with English regional settings - menu items will be broken.

Re: PSPad 5.0 future [68079]

2017-03-06 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Freeman: * URL/Quoted prinatable/base64 to/from ANSI with UTF-8 autodetection. Encoding to UTF-8 also.


2017-03-06 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: I vote for UTF-8. When possibility to pass encoding exists, I vote for any encoding, passing with data, as in HTTP. With UTF-8,

Re: PSPad 5.0 future [68066]

2017-03-03 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: _PSPad 5 (066)_ Great work, Jan! My wishes: * CP866 in menu by default (probably 855 is not needed, but ask your

Re: PSPad 5.0 future [67969]

2017-02-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Your screenshot doesn't work. Link (viz ). pspad:

Re: PSPad 5.0 future [67957]

2017-02-19 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Just now PSPad is moved to Delphi XE10 Seatle OMG, great work, Jan! :-D pspad:

Re: Problems accessing files with surrogate pairs in their name [67647]

2017-01-02 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Hmmm... Or, if PSPad still built by Delphi 7, this can be ANSI-only ParamStr issue. To avoid it, you should get Unicode command line via GetCommandLineW() and then parse in manually with WideString-based functions. When testing on surrogate-pair-named file, I had no problems with my program built

Re: Problems accessing files with surrogate pairs in their name [67646]

2017-01-02 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Most probable, this is system-wide command line issue. Under Windows 7, I confirm this bug only when try to open a file from command line. When I open that file from Open dialog, all works okay. If bug still in Windows 10, complain Microsoft on their system design. :-D They'll suggest you

Feature request: URL from/to UTF-8 [67269]

2016-07-26 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Would be pretty, when "URL to ANSI" command could detect UTF-8 for decoded URL, and automatically interpret it as UTF-8, when it can be properly decoded as UTF-8. When implemented, "URL to ANSI" command should be renamed to "URL to UTF-8/ANSI". His counterpart, "ANSI to URL" command should remain


2016-06-05 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
I think, PSPad should display a warning, when characters cannot be represented in target encoding. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Problems with charset [66552]

2016-02-06 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
ISO-8859-1 nor ISO-8859-2 doesn't contain the euro sign. Use ISO-8859-15 or Windows-1252 instead. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují = řádek [66171]

2015-10-31 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Working with batch files, you have to save them in OEM encoding. Bat files are legacy format from DOS, still uses OEM encoding. Older versions of PSPad have a bug with OEM characters save (viz,61219 ), now fixed (since build 2656 (viz

Underscore characters in SQL syntax [66165]

2015-10-30 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
How can I add underscore character '_' as identifier character for SQL syntax? When I moving through the text via Ctrl+Left/Right, cursor stops on every underscore in identifiers, what's not right. AFAIK, SQL syntax highlighter is built-in PSPad, I cannot find a setting for it. If it isn't

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.1 (2703) English [66155]

2015-10-27 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Freeman: [url=][img][/ img][/url] Windows 7 with Aero, will test under XP this evening.

Re: PSPad future - new editor engine [66150]

2015-10-21 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
What do you think about common highligting styles? All syntaxes split to keyword-based (C, Delphi, Java, etc.) and tag-based (HTML, XML, etc.) and have common settings, how to highlight keywords, string, comments, tags, attributes and other elements. Every language inherites common settings, can

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.1 (2703) English [66149]

2015-10-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Under XP I cannot reproduce it, works fine. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.1 (2703) English [66147]

2015-10-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Status bar issue, when current settings are different from current tab's. When pressing "New" button on the toolbar, new tab's status bar has drawing issues. [url=][img][/ img][/url] Windows 7 with Aero, will test under XP this

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2700) English [66059]

2015-10-05 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Seems like right egde fuctionality is broken in build 2700. My setting is 120, but nothing happened, line wrap works only on window width. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2700) English [66041]

2015-10-03 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Thanks for "Nastav pravy okraj pozici kurzoru", Jan. Didn't translate it yet. :-) But... how can I switch off previously set line? Pressing hotkey at the same position doesn't work. And... Right edge disappears again, when cursor line set. Is it become new right edge? Right edge setting isn't

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2674) English [65993]

2015-09-28 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Right edge wasn't visible with cursor edge active Yeah, it works! But... permanent vertical line is annoying... When coding,

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2671) English [65887]

2015-09-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Can you please send me screnshot with fantom lines?

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2671) English [65889]

2015-09-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Open program settings / Editor 2 and check position of Right edge. Standard position is 80. I set it to 120, more appropriate

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2671) English [65885]

2015-09-19 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: New functionality is second line which moves automatically with cursor. When I turn this feature on, the right edge line

Re: open locked file as read-only [65758]

2015-08-31 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Tsjoecha: a busy logfile from an active process. You can use built-in viewer from FAR Manager (F3). --

Duplicates in Search/Replace history [65467]

2015-07-02 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
In the build 2665 Search/Replace history saves too many duplicates of search string, making history usage impossible. --,65467,65467 PSPad freeware editor

Integer overflow while opening DokuWiki/inc/utf8.php [65285]

2015-05-27 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
PSPad 4.6.0 build 2661, file utf8.php from the DokuWiki distibutive or [url=]d irectly from GitHub[/url]. WinMerge has the same problem, but FAR Manager hasn't. --,65285,65285 PSPad

Re: Integer overflow while opening DokuWiki/inc/utf8.php [65287]

2015-05-27 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Try to download [url=]stable release[/url]. --,65285,65287 PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2657) English [64847]

2015-04-07 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
This build cannot recognize itself as the last, because his number is 4._5_.0.2657. --,64844,64847 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Save ANSI file as UTF-8 doesn't work [64824]

2015-04-04 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Regarding to [url=,64691,64820,page=2#msg-64820]the topic[/url]. MSDN: _Windows XP and later:_ MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS is the only dwFlags value supported by Code page 65001

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2656) English [64825]

2015-04-04 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Wrote to [url=,45099,64824,page=3#msg-64824]our topic about UTF-8[/url]. --,64691,64825 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Wrong html ascii code in ascii table [64736]

2015-03-31 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
This is one more step to make PSPad more compliant to Unicode. I will investigate this issue. This is just a bump message. :-)) --,60883,64736 PSPad freeware editor

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2656) English [64738]

2015-03-31 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pash: German Umlaute (äöü ...) are broken, they are displayed as a box. It can be some PSPad cache issue. I got Russian character lost

U+XXXXX characters at status bar [64696]

2015-03-29 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Because PSPad has full Unicode support since build 2656, I want to discuss about character codes at status bar. I'm not sure, what solution will be better. PSPad uses monospace font, so characters higher than U+ are visible as two different codes -- surrogate pair. We can see their codes at

Re: U+XXXXX characters at status bar [64700]

2015-03-29 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Statusbar is unicode component So why it shows '?' (question character) instead of character like 'É

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2656) English [64695]

2015-03-29 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Yeah! Great! You also forgot about 4-byte UTF-8 and surrogate pairs, they also work fine! --,64691,64695 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Save ANSI file as UTF-8 doesn't work [64699]

2015-03-29 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Fixed in build 2656 (viz,64691,64695 ). Great work, Jan! --,45099,64699 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Using Multiple Displays [64656]

2015-03-24 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: I will find any second monitor and I will test it. We can ask _kamuz_ to test [url=]compiled

Re: Cannot save OEM characters [64657]

2015-03-24 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: I replaced all ANSI code page hanedling using WideCharToMultiByte() Great! Wait for next build. --

Re: Cannot save OEM characters [64636]

2015-03-21 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Bump! :-) --,61219,64636 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Save ANSI file as UTF-8 doesn't work [64635]

2015-03-21 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: OK Vladislav. I am in worst position than you, cause I use Delphi 7 only ;-) I'm using Delphi 6 to develop my compiler. Modern

Re: Using Multiple Displays [64638]

2015-03-21 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
kamuz: Open PSPad and move main window to secondary monitor and icon on taskbar does not follows window. Jan, I wrote small sample, but

Re: Save ANSI file as UTF-8 doesn't work [64626]

2015-03-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: When you open file, all is encoded into UTF-16. Change of it isn't possible, at least without rewriting near whole program.

Re: Save ANSI file as UTF-8 doesn't work [64630]

2015-03-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Okay, take first Unicode emoticon from [url=]VK .com List[/url], U+1F60A (#128522 decimal). I can copy and paste it rectangle to PSPad, then save as UTF-16. It will produce two UTF-16 codes in the file — surrogate pair: D83D

Re: Using Multiple Displays [64618]

2015-03-19 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: I will try to find some solution. Probably it would be enough set window origin/bounds from Application.MainForm to hidden

Re: Save ANSI file as UTF-8 doesn't work [64619]

2015-03-19 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
vbr: It seems, that there might be some problems with [b][i]wide unicode characters[/i][/b] (over hex 0x) Problem still exists in

Courier New italic artifact [64576]

2015-03-14 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
[url=][img][/ img][/url] Just look on ending '3' and '9'. The same snippet in Delphi: [url=][img][/ img][/url] --,64576,64576

Re: PSPad unicode 4.6.0 (2652) English [64506]

2015-03-08 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Great thanks to tab highlight setting, Jan! --,64487,64506 PSPad freeware editor


2015-03-08 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
They will read this topic. :-)) Thank for rename in beta build. --,64484,64507 PSPad freeware editor


2015-03-08 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Just started to use manually editing resource scripts in my project. Found *.rc files highlighter, named as Resource files. AFAIK, resource files are *.res files, but *.rc files named as resource scripts since Windows 3.x. Please rename if agree. Also I added BEGIN and END as two additional

Re: Disable underlining of active tab [64445]

2015-03-06 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Tab text and shadow depends of the Windows settings (Button highlight as background, button text as text color) I think,

Disable underlining of active tab [64442]

2015-03-05 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
How can I disable active tab underlining, is there setting for it? Underlined tabs look too ugly, IMHO. :-( --,64442,64442 PSPad freeware editor

Re: delete duplicate huge lines [64022]

2014-12-28 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Make duplicate line unique via sed script (viz ). You can download sed for Windows from the projects like UnxUtils. It is not clear uniqueness in the terms of RBMS, but usable as a rough process. After it, you can use PSPad on shrunk file. --

Re: Please inherit directory to save from active tab [63870]

2014-12-02 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
This was a feature request. Can I hope to implementation, Jan? --,63840,63870 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Please inherit directory to save from active tab [63876]

2014-12-02 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
pspad: Check settings in program setting / files and dirs what folder is set. Same As Active Document, as I understand you. --

Re: Please inherit directory to save from active tab [63865]

2014-12-01 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Gorlash: Have you tried one of the recent builds?? I'm using build 2521, of course. Let me explain more detail. PSPad run, I have two

Please inherit directory to save from the active tab [63840]

2014-11-28 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
When I'm creating new file, it inherits highlighter and filename extension from the active tab, that's well. But when I'm trying to save it, PSPad offers me some other directory, one of I worked with before. Do you think, is this not too consistent? --

UTF-8 BOM setting to Format menu [63842]

2014-11-28 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Please move UTF-8 BOM setting to Format menu, like done in SynWrite editor. Would be two items: * UTF-8 with BOM * UTF-8 without BOM --,63842,63842 PSPad freeware editor

Re: Feature request: all codepages provided by Windows [63845]

2014-11-28 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
This feature can be implemented using MLang helper in modern versions of Delphi, backported (viz =90 ) to Delphi 6/7 by Gunsmoker. IEnumCodePage examples: Russian (viz

Eiffel syntax highlighter [63771]

2014-11-20 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
Made simple highlighter settings for Eiffel programming language. ;PSPad user HighLighter definition file [Settings] Name=Eiffel HTMLGroup=0 Label=0 FileType=*.e CommentString=-- SQLComment=1 IndentChar= UnIndentChar= TabWidth=0 CaseSensitive=1 DoubleQuote=1 EscString=0 KeyWordChars=_

Re: Cannot save OEM characters [63733]

2014-11-15 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
I previously wrote about CharToOem/OemToChar functions, which replace pseudographics with similar characters. You fixed only reading of OEM files, but saving remains broken. Now PSPad can read file, but cannot save it unbroken being edited. Please fix it using WideCharToMultiByte instead of

Re: Using Multiple Displays [63734]

2014-11-15 Tema obsahu Vladislav Javadov
This is Delphi VCL issue, I think. :) --,63717,63734 PSPad freeware editor

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