
I'm going to use Fossil for a project I am starting, and I noticed
that it seems to break in more than one circumstance:

1. While using SSL and basic Apache authentication, if I have a "$" in
the password, it seems to break fossil:

$ fossil clone https://username:passwo...@foobar.com/cgi-bin/fossil/monitoring
                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Send:              49          1          0          0
fossil: SSL: cannot connect to host username:0 (bad hostname lookup)

2. When I change the password to not have a "$" using SSL, I get "401
Authorization Required":

$ fossil clone https://username:passwo...@foobar.com/cgi-bin/fossil/monitoring

                Bytes      Cards  Artifacts     Deltas
Send:              49          1          0          0

Unknown SSL certificate:

  organizationName          = www.foobar.com
  organizationalUnitName    = Domain Control Validated
  commonName                = www.foobar.com

Issued By:

  countryName               = US
  stateOrProvinceName       = Arizona
  localityName              = Scottsdale
  organizationName          = GoDaddy.com, Inc.
  organizationalUnitName    = http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository
  commonName                = Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority
  serialNumber              = 07969287

WARNING: Certificate doesn't match the saved certificate for this host!
Accept certificate [a=always/y/N]? a
fossil: server says: 401 Authorization Required

This happens no matter what I do. It appears fossil isn't sending the
username and password when I use SSL.

3. When I do NOT use SSL, "$" in the password still breaks fossil:
"fossil: can't resolve host name: username". I'm using the SAME line
above, just http:// instead.

4. When I do NOT use SSL, and I have NO "$" in the password, clone works.

Please let me know if I am missing something! I will NOT use SSL (and
a "$" in my password of course) for now.

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