Hello All,

There seems to be a bug in the ticket system.  Could someone verify this.

I added an "assigned_to" column into the fossil ticket system.  When I
edit a ticket's "assigned_to" column and comment, an artifact is
generated (viewable in the admin/log page) but it does not seem to get
applied to the ticket.

With some experimentation I've noticed that the name of the column
that you add and try to modify along with the comment field seems to
be the culprit.

For example if you create an "assigned_to" column, and try to edit it
as well as the comment you generate an artifact like this (note that
the "J" fieldnames seem to be alphabetized).  It does not work:

D 2010-11-15T23:38:35
J assigned_to eriklechak
J +comment 
K b8d3a9acb552bc11cc01483fcc710d6c994198e3
U eriklechak
Z 9e9120a9d85b67a50280a96b04d117c6

However, if instead of creating an "assigned_to" column you create and
"xassigned_to" column, and repeat the process of setting it and the
comment you get this working artifact (note that the "xassigned_to"
field comes after the "J +comment" field):

D 2010-11-15T23:44:29
J +comment 
J xassigned_to eriklechak
K b8d3a9acb552bc11cc01483fcc710d6c994198e3
U eriklechak
Z a5f5eb871eb8334469c721c11c000a11

With the "assigned_to" column, if the only thing you change is the
"assigned_to" field it works as well:

D 2010-11-15T23:39:32
J assigned_to eriklechak
K b8d3a9acb552bc11cc01483fcc710d6c994198e3
U eriklechak
Z 739866d3b7281ea4f0019f9352d22de1

This makes me think that any field added that alphabetically comes
before "comment" or possibly any "J +fieldname" section can not be in
the same artifact.

--Erik Lechak
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