On August 10, 2009 Bob Gobeille wrote:
> On Aug 10, 2009, at 2:25 PM, Todd Beverly wrote:
>> I recently install fossology v 1.1 and made the decision to not use
>> the /repo/  sub directory in Apache.  I got everything to work, except
>> the link in the email message always returns
>> http://$hostname/repo/?...    I tracked this down to routine
>> /usr/local/bin/fo_notify, which reads file Db.conf to extract the
>> database server name, calculate the fully qualified hostname and then
>> concantenates http:// $hostname and
>> /repo/?mod=showjobs&history=1&upload=$upload_id
>> If no one has worked on this,  I wouldn't mind changing fo_notify 
>> to accept an optional string that defines the URL prefix (everything 
>> up to the "?").  My original thought was to look for an optional file  
>> Url.conf for the prefix and then look for Db.conf if Url.conf isn't 
>> found.  I was wondering if there was a more logical place for this 
>> option (or maybe I misconfigured the original installation?)
> That's a mistake for fo_notify to hardcode in the path.  I like 
> your solution.  Maybe a better place than a Url.conf could be 
> Fossology.conf.   Then we would have a catch all conf file for 
> this and whatever other user configuration variables we need to 
> set.  The conf file would default to http://$hostname/repo/

I took the liberty of filing this as a new bug, so that we do not lose track
of it!



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