Not as much detail as normal as I'm covering a much longer time frame ...
I'll be returning to weekly updates now.

Helped plan and attended the first ever GNOME Marketing hackfest. It went
well and we will be doing more. Thanks to Paul
Cutler<>for putting it together. Thanks to
the travel committee for getting everyone
there. Thanks to Novell and Google for sponsoring it. Thanks very much to
all the people that showed up to work hard on GNOME marketing!

GNOME Journal <>. Added a bunch of ideas for GNOME
Journal articles. (Now we just need people to write them! Feel free to add
ideas or write articles.) Recruited authors for the Women in GNOME Journal
edition. Interviewed a woman GNOME advisory board member for it. Helped edit
a couple of articles.

Published the GNOME Q3 report <>. Thanks
to all the teams who submitted updates!

Attended the first OSS Watch <> advisory board
meeting via phone. Will attend the first in person one in a couple of weeks.

Agustín Benito <> put me in touch with La
Laguna College and we exchanged a couple of emails. They are interested in
helping recruit more women to free software.

Forwarded several journalist requests to the appropriate people - most went
to the release team with questions about GNOME 3.0.

Played around with several different views and methods of looking at my
goals. Trying to find a better way to align goals to individual task items
and to visualize how we are doing on larger goals. Plan to work on this

Got sponsors for hackfests (like the marketing one) and the Boston Summit.
Wrote up a sponsorship agreement at the request of one of the sponsors. I
plan to tweak it a bit make a sponsorship agreement that we can use for all
GNOME events.

Attended free software women <>'s
group meeting.

Let the Teaching Open
Source<>mailing list
group that GNOME has people willing to speak
about GNOME <> in their
Set Willie Walker <> up with

Talked to most of the advisory board members about raising advisory board
fees for next year both at an advisory board meeting and one on one. Touched
base with them in general.

Talked to Clay Johnson from the Sunlight
Got some interesting insights into fundraising and volunteers. I hope to
interview him later about fundraising and post on my blog. He's planning the
Great American Hackathon <http://http//> to
develop free and open source applications for open government.

Sent information to Claudia to help her wrap up finances for the Desktop
Summit. We are just waiting on one sponsor to pay us so we can close the

Spent 30 hours travelling to Vietnam. But it's been worth it! I'm currently
attending the 2nd annual GNOME Asia Summit <>! They have
an awesome team of volunteers. They recruited business and international
trade students to help interpret for all of the foreign speakers. They are
all very enthusiastic and having a great time! I've had a chance so far to
speak to a city government official, local companies using and developing
open source and lots of enthusiastic students!
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