> I recently downloaded the gethist utilities from the site, made some
> modifications to gethist.c and tried to compile.  I'm getting errors
> the linker for undefined symbols in the Foxboro historian library
file.  I'm
> using gcc, the Gnu C compiler, which is new to me.  I have previously
> Sun's compiler.  I even tried to compile some programs that had
> compiled fine under Sun C, but they also now have undefined symbol
> from the linker.  Any suggestions.
Roger, if you haven't already figured it out, chances are good you're
missing libraries while linking.  Check and see if the following are
-lhist -lfox -lsocket -lfoxfdr -lposix4 -lnsl -lais

# gcc filename.c -I/usr/include/fox        (makes .o file)
# gcc -o filename -g filename.o -lhist -lfox -lsocket -lfoxfdr -lposix4
-lnsl -lais

More experienced C programmers feel free to chime in if I've left
something out that needs to be there!


Kevin FitzGerrell

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