CSA saves and merges may be required, as well. Especially if the 'B' box you
are replacing hosts CSA. If it gets this complicated, you should get
assistance from Field Service.
Norm Tessier
Regional Lifeline Specialist
District 7
-Original Message-
If the committal you now have in hand was made from a 'reconciled System
Definition', the install should be uneventful. I always tar the commit disk
into a temporary directory (/opt/tmp).
The files on the floppy are "." Relative, and if you cd to the temporary
directory and do a 'tar xvf /dev/f
Subject:RE: V4.3 CP30A latest image
Didn't V6.1.2 and V6.2.1 include fixes of CP "B" stations; CP30B,
CP40B, and CP60. I don't remember any specific station image update for the
CP "A" stations.
-----Original Message---
There is a new image that came out with Version 6.1.2/6.2.1 that should be
loaded on all systems from Version 4.3 up. This was considered a 'mandatory
upgrade'. You should contact TAC/Field service to get the image you need.
Norm Tessier
Regional Lifeline Specialist
District 7