On Sat, 24 Jan 2004 21:45:40 +0100

> D:\lazarus>make
> make -C lcl all
> make[1]: Entering directory `D:/lazarus/lcl'
> d:/fpc/bin/win32/rm.exe -f units/i386/win32/alllclunits.ppu
> make -C interfaces all
> make[2]: Entering directory `D:/lazarus/lcl/interfaces'
> make -C win32 all
> make[3]: Entering directory `D:/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32'
> d:/fpc/bin/win32/rm.exe -f ../../units/i386/win32/win32/interfaces.ppu
> \
>          ../../units/i386/win32/win32/interfaces.o
> make[3]: Leaving directory `D:/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/win32'
> make[2]: Leaving directory `D:/lazarus/lcl/interfaces'
> make[1]: Leaving directory `D:/lazarus/lcl'
> make -C components all
> make[1]: Entering directory `D:/lazarus/components'
> make -C synedit all
> make[2]: Entering directory `D:/lazarus/components/synedit'
> d:/fpc/bin/win32/rm.exe -f ../units/i386/win32/allsyneditunits.ppu
> d:/fpc/bin/win32/ppc386.exe -gl -Fu../../lcl/units/i386/win32 -Fu. 
> -FU../units/i386/win32 -di386 allsyneditunits.pp
> Hint: End of reading config file d:\fpc\bin\win32\fpc.cfg
> Free Pascal Compiler version 1.9.3 [2004/01/23] for i386
> Copyright (c) 1993-2004 by Florian Klaempfl
> Target OS: Win32 for i386
> Compiling allsyneditunits.pp
> Compiling d:\lazarus\lcl\imglist.pp
> Compiling d:\lazarus\lcl\dialogs.pp
> Compiling d:\lazarus\lcl\forms.pp
> Compiling d:\lazarus\lcl\controls.pp
> controls.pp(945,19) Hint: Type "TGETCHILDPROC" redefinition
> Compiling d:\lazarus\lcl\forms.pp
> forms.pp(49,16) Hint: Type "TPROCEDURE" redefinition
> forms.pp(320,16) Hint: Type "THELPEVENT" redefinition
> forms.pp(681,21) Hint: Type "TEXCEPTIONEVENT" redefinition
> forms.pp(941,17) Hint: Type "TDATAMODULE" redefinition
> Error: Stack Overflow
> Compilation aborted d:\lazarus\lcl\forms.pp:1048
> make[2]: *** [allsyneditunits.ppu] Error 202
> make[2]: Leaving directory `D:/lazarus/components/synedit'
> make[1]: *** [synedit_all] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `D:/lazarus/components'
> make: *** [components] Error 2
> D:\lazarus>
Same thing happens here. I don't have this problem with a home compiled
(so not out the release package) ppc386.exe 1.9.2 of 7 jan 2004. 

Strangely enough (for me at least) the linux compiler 1.9.3 can compile
the LCL for win32.

So, if I compile the LCL for windows on windows with ppc386.exe it
fails. If I compile the LCL for windows on linux it succeeds.

I hope this gives some hints to the developers.


fpc-devel maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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